
Thursday, September 12, 2019

Review: Nice Guys Bite (Elemental Assassin #15.5) by Jennifer Estep

Nice Guys Bite (Elemental Assassin, #15.5)
Title: Nice Guys Bite

Series: Elemental Assassin #15.5

Previous books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4) | Spider's Revenge (#5) | By A Thread (#6) | Widow's Web (#7) | Deadly Sting (#8) | Heart of Venom (#9) | The Spider (#10) | Poison Promise (#11) | Black Widow (#12) | Spider's Trap (#13) | Bitter Bite (#14) | Unraveled (#15)

Short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death (#1.5) | Wasted (#2.7) | Tangled Dreams (#3.5) | Tangled Schemes (#3.7) | Spider’s Nemesis (#4.5) | Thread of Death (#5.5) | Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (#8.1) | Kiss of Venom (#8.5) | Unwanted (#14.5)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: December 2016

Published by: Pocket Star

Source: Borrowed from library

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Working for Gin Blanco (aka the Spider, the assassin who runs the Ashland underworld) doesn’t leave much time for romance, especially with Gin’s holiday party planning in full swing. But when he catches the eye of a charming gentleman, Silvio finds himself going out for coffee.

All’s fair in love and war, though. Just as Silvio is starting to enjoy himself, he realizes he’s being watched. His nice guy date doesn’t sense the danger, and Silvio wants to keep it that way (and, well, keep the guy alive) so Silvio ends the date early—only to be abducted by some villainous giants.

Will Silvio survive the night and make it back to the Pork Pit in time for Gin’s holiday party? Only if he decks the hall with bodies...

My rating: ★★★★★

This novella is told in the POV of Silvio, which, yes please! Silvio was introduced only a couple of books back, but he quickly became one of my favorite characters! I especially love the relationship he has with Gin!

Now, be a nice assistant, and put that thing down.” She brandished her scissors at me. “Before I stab it to death—literally.”
With anyone else, I would have considered it an idle threat. But not when my boss was Gin Blanco, the assassin known as the Spider. I’d seen her kill men with her bare hands . . . trash-can lids . . . loose bricks . . . even a fork once.

Umm, okay... I need to know more about this fork situation. Lol. Anyway, Silvio goes on a “hot” date, according to Gin lol, with an english professor. Martin seemed like a very nice guy and their interactions were just so cute! I totally shipped it! So, they’re on this date, but Silvio works for an assassin, so trouble follows him wherever he goes... Including this date. Now his date is in danger too and it’s up to him to save the day... and his date. And let me tell you, this vampire assistant can hold his own! And then... plot twist.

I love Silvio so I thought it was really cool that we got a novella in his POV. I adore Gin, but I like being able to see inside the heads over other characters every once in a while.

In the months that I’d been working for her, I’d grown rather fond of Gin, and I didn’t want to see her die. She’d saved me from Beauregard Benson, and I was determined to save her from everyone else, including herself. Especially since she had the annoying, reckless tendency to throw herself into harm’s way at the slightest threat to someone she cared about.

I love how loyal he is to Gin! He has become such a great friend! So yeah, I loved this novella, even though it totally broke my heart. It had some really good fights, too! I don’t think we’ve ever seen him in a fight like this, so that was cool. And it was actually pretty violent, which I love! Nice Guys Bite was an amazing short story that followed a character I quickly became fond of.

Gin always claimed that I tried to mother her, but she did the exact same thing to me. Still, it was nice to have someone who cared...

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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