
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Review: Unwanted (Elemental Assassin #14.5) by Jennifer Estep

Unwanted (Elemental Assassin, #14.5)
Title: Unwanted

Series: Elemental Assassin #14.5

Previous books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4) | Spider's Revenge (#5) | By A Thread (#6) | Widow's Web (#7) | Deadly Sting (#8) | Heart of Venom (#9) | The Spider (#10) | Poison Promise (#11) | Black Widow (#12) | Spider's Trap (#13) | Bitter Bite (#14)

Short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death (#1.5) | Wasted (#2.7) | Tangled Dreams (#3.5) | Tangled Schemes (#3.7) | Spider’s Nemesis (#4.5) | Thread of Death (#5.5) | Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (#8.1) | Kiss of Venom (#8.5)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: July 2016

Published by: Pocket Star

Source: Borrowed from library

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The fallout from his disastrous “family reunion” in Bitter Bite has left Finn feeling hurt, angry, and depressed. He can barely stand to look at himself in the mirror, much less eat any of the delicious barbecue from Gin’s famed Pork Pit restaurant.

But when the funeral for a slain security guard at his bank turns into a showdown with some nasty underworld giants, Finn knows that he must act in order to protect an innocent family.

Finnegan Lane might be the most unwanted man in Ashland these days, but he’s determined to try to make amends for his past mistakes...

My rating: ★★★★★

This novella is in Finn’s POV and takes place after the hot mess that was Bitter Bite. And I don’t mean that in a bad way ‘cause the book was amazing! I just mean that Finn’s encounter with his long lost mother was a disaster and I hate what she did to him! Finn is still feeling awful about what happened, understandably. Especially because so many innocent guards were killed that day. He feels like it was his fault, and he’s not the only one who feels that way. The people at the bank are not happy with him either. So on top of his mother’s betrayal there’s this. You can understand why he feels so depressed and guilty.

What a sad, stupid, gullible fool I’d been.

single man tear

He did not deserve this. I love Finn and it hurts me so much to see him like this 😩 He is such a good person! In this novella he’s trying to protect the family of one of the deceased guards even though they pretty much hate his guts because of all the deaths at the bank. But that does not deter him from trying his best to help this family that’s in some serious trouble, even though he is still feeling like crap.

My sister didn’t yell or scream at me. Not even once. All she did was check on me every single day, ask me how things were going at the bank, and bring me more food than an army could possibly eat.
She might be an assassin, but Gin Blanco was far and away the best person I knew.
And I’d failed her miserably.

I guess because Gin is the main character of the series I always forget that Finn was also trained alongside Gin, even though she’s the one who became the assassin. I mean, Finn can definitely kick some serious ass on his own. And he’s really good! This may have been just a short story, but it had some really good action! I also love that we got an in depth look into Finn’s thinking and how he’s feeling about everything that happened in the last book. It was heartbreaking for sure—I just hate seeing Finn so sad and feeling so awful. But it was a great read and a great supplement if you love this series as much as I do!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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