
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Review: Winter’s Web (Elemental Assassin #17.5) by Jennifer Estep

Winter's Web (Elemental Assassin, #17.5)
Title: Winter’s Web

Series: Elemental Assassin #17.5

Previous books in this series: Spider's Bite (#1) | Web of Lies (#2) | Venom (#3) | Tangled Threads (#4) | Spider's Revenge (#5) | By A Thread (#6) | Widow's Web (#7) | Deadly Sting (#8) | Heart of Venom (#9) | The Spider (#10) | Poison Promise (#11) | Black Widow (#12) | Spider's Trap (#13) | Bitter Bite (#14) | Unraveled (#15) | Snared (#16) | Venom in the Veins (#17)

Short stories in this series: Poison (#0.1) | Web of Deceit (#0.2) | Spider's Bargain (#0.5) | Web of Death (#1.5) | Wasted (#2.7) | Tangled Dreams (#3.5) | Tangled Schemes (#3.7) | Spider’s Nemesis (#4.5) | Thread of Death (#5.5) | Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks (#8.1) | Kiss of Venom (#8.5) | Unwanted (#14.5) | Nice Guys Bite (#15.5)

Author: Jennifer Estep

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy

Publication date: March 2019

Published by: Jennifer Estep

Source: Purchased ebook

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An assassin at a renaissance faire. What could possibly go wrong? Everything, if you’re the Spider...

I might be Gin Blanco, aka the assassin the Spider, but even I need a break from the bad guys every now and then. So when Owen Grayson, my significant other, suggests a trip to the Winter’s Web Renaissance Faire, it sounds like a perfect distraction from all my problems.

The faire starts off innocently enough, but something seems slightly off about the cheery atmosphere and costumed characters. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but I can’t help but feel like I’m trapped in someone else’s icy web—and that they don’t want me to leave the faire alive...

My rating: ★★★★★

Our girl Gin can never catch a break. Not even when she’s trying to enjoy a renaissance faire. Gin was gonna try and have a good time, but as soon as she arrives Gin thinks there’s something fishy going on... some sort of scheme. Owen and Finn would call her paranoid, but she’s hardly ever wrong.

So I really liked this short story, obviously, but one thing I really liked about it was the unexpected plot twist! It was pretty cool!

I also love that they all went dressed up to this thing...

“What are you supposed to be again?” I asked.
Finn lifted his chin with pride. “I am a court jester, ready to entertain the masses with my charming wit, amazing skills, and dashing good looks.”

Gin on the other hand, was a pirate queen assassin... her words not mine. Lol. But I loved it! I really liked that we got a little scenery chance from your usual setting. I’ve never been to a ren faire myself, so it was fun to experience it vicariously. Especially when it had a ton of action! I love that about Jennifer Estep’s work... even though they are shorter stories, she always manages to pack them full of action! She always has cool fights, and because this one was at a ren faire, it had a little extra fun and flare, which I really enjoyed. It was a lot of fun! And it was a nice, short read to tide me over until the next book comes out.

And of course, some Easter Eggs!

Darrell was into ren faires the way people in Bigtime were into superheroes or the folks in Cloudburst Falls were into monsters.

So excite!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊

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