Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2024 Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

We are halfway through the year which means it's time for one of my favorite tags! Yay! Last year I smooshed together the questions from the original tag created by Ely and Chami with the revamped version from Jesse the Reader, and I decided to use the same combo I used last year. I honestly don't remember what questions I left out from either place, but this post isn't lacking questions, let me tell you that. Lol.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2024

I had my best reading month in May, but in June I had my worst one 😫 While I technically read 6 books, it was only a total of 1053 pages, which is literally 2000 pages LESS than the previous month 😭 I thought I was going to escape the year without having a reading slump, but no such luck 😢
  • 2 were novels, 2 graphic novels, and 2 manga
  • 4 were part of a series, 2 were standalone
  • I started 2 series this month and finished zero 🫠
  • All 6 were finished copies, no ARCs this month (though technically I did start 1 but haven't finished it because slump 🙃)
  • 4 were physical books and 2 ebooks
  • 4 were 5-star books, 1 was a 4-star book, and 1 was a 3-star book
  • 5 were traditionally published, and 1 was indie published
  • 3 were by authors I've previously read, and 3 were by new-to-me authors
  • 2 were adult books, 2 YA, and 1 middle grade book
  • 4 were fiction books, and 2 were nonfiction
  • 1 was horror, 1 urban fantasy, 2 medical science, and 2 books about books (yes, that's a genre lol)