Saturday, March 24, 2012

Interview with Derrolyn Anderson author of "Marina's Tales" + a FREE e-book!

I am happy to have Derrolyn Anderson on my blog today! She is the author of a mermaid series called "Marina's Tales" that I have totally fallen in love with! And to celebrate the fourth and final installment of "Marina's Tales" (titled The Turning Tides) she is giving you a chance to read book #1 of the series: Between the Land and the Sea. And you can get it for FREE!
But first, here is a little bit about her and her writing:

Derrolyn Anderson is a visual artist and writer who specializes in young adult fiction. She is the creator of the four part "Marina's Tales" series, and is currently hard at work on her next book.

1. So, Derrolyn, tell us 5 random things about yourself.
  • I am the mother three daughters, two of whom are twins.
  • I have two cats, three chickens and four really big, fat koi fish.
  • I was named after the “Cornhusker Queen” of the University of Nebraska.
  • I’m never without a little yellow legal pad and a fine point Sharpie.
  • I’m addicted to coffee (I think I mention it too much in my writing!) and chewing ice (whatever that means!).
2. Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?

When I was a girl, I used to love reading James Michener’s epic novels: Hawaii, The Covenant, Centennial, etc. I came back to reading through my girl’s books, starting with Harry Potter, naturally.

3. Do you write linear or do you jump back and forth?

I start out pretty linearly, although being a pantser, sometimes a plot twist has me going back in to change things.

4. What kind of research did you have to do for "Marina's Tales", if any?

A little bit about everything! My hat is off to people who wrote before the word processor – and I can’t even imagine how difficult research must have been without the Internet.

5. What do Marina and Ethan think of you? Would they want to hang out with you, their creator?

We could all go surfing if they were willing to stick to the bunny waves. Otherwise, I’ll go out to lunch with Evie while they take on the really big surf!

6. I loved the names of the mermaids, especially Lorelei! How did you come about naming your characters?

I always loved Ethan as a great boy-name, Marina seemed like a natural choice, and Lorelei sounds beautiful to me. I named Cruz after Santa Cruz, and Abby after the sweet, beautiful golden Labrador that lives next door. My husband came up with Dutch from a character in a movie he was watching when I asked him for a fisherman’s name. True story: I later ran into a man with a male golden lab named Dutch–I guess Abby and Dutch were meant to be a couple!!! Cue Twilight Zone music…

7. If your books were made into movies, who do you picture playing your characters?

Ooh, that’s a toughie – Hotness is so subjective! I don’t want to spoil it for anyone by putting a face to them!
8. I have seen some of your art, and your paintings are beautiful (some of her paintings)! The covers of your books are absolutely gorgeous as well! Did you get someone to do the cover art for you, or was that all you?

Why, thank you! I did my own covers by buying some stock photography and messing around with Photoshop. Except for book #3 – That’s my daughter, photographed by her twin. I’ve had some comments that it doesn’t seem to match well with the other three, but I have a sentimental attachment to it. Plus, I think it’s probably the moodiest and least literal of the three. I’ve been looking closely at a lot of covers lately, trying to determine what constitutes an interesting one... hopefully my next cover will be a real eye-catcher!

9. I'm a bit sad that Marina's Tales are over :( But I'm assuming you have more writing ahead of you, right? Can you tell us anything about any upcoming books you might be working on now or in the near future?

Yes, I’m excited to get started on my next book! I have a MC in mind with an unusual type of synesthesia, and a whole new cast of characters is already starting to populate my head. It might be fun to revisit the Marina’s Tales’ gang someday and see how everything turned out; perhaps a story from Nixie’s POV is in order.

10. And now for a totally random question: if you were stranded on an island, what items would you bring with you (apart from food, water, and clothes)?

Is there Internet access on said island? If not, a fully loaded Kindle/Nook with some kinda solar device to recharge it.

11. Is there anything else that you would like to say to your readers and fans?

Yes – Please consider trying out the free copy of book #1 and letting me know how you like it on Goodreads! Friend me while you’re at it!
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
And now for the FREE e-book copy of Between the Land and the Sea!!!! Let's see what the book is about (I have read it already and it's great! Check out my review!):

Marina is a privileged girl who’s had an unusual upbringing. Traveling the world with her scientist father, doted on by her wealthy and glamorous neighbor Evie, Marina’s life seems perfect.
Everything changes in the summer of her sixteenth year when she is sent to live with her Aunt Abby and Cousin Cruz in the lovely seaside town of Aptos, California.
Only a few weeks after arriving, sixteen year-old Marina has nearly drowned twice, enchanted the hottest guy in high school, and discovered a supernatural creature. If she can manage to survive some increasingly dangerous encounters with unpredictable mermaids, she might be able to unlock the mystery of her past and appease the mysterious forces that want something from her...

And maybe even find true love along the way.

Here is what you have to do to get a free download (any e-book format):
  1. Go to Smashwords and add Between the Land and the Sea to your cart. (You must have an account on Smashwords...if you don't, then just make one! Its totally free and quite easy to do!)
  2. At the check out enter the coupon code # FM28V where it indicates to do so, then click Update.
  3. After you see that the coupon has been applied and you can get the book for free, you click on Checkout, and VoilĂ ! You just go back to the page and choose whatever format you want! (The code is good until Jan. 1st, 2013)
How about we give Derrolyn a BIG Thank You for this oppurtunity? THANK YOU!! :D

I also want to thank Derrolyn for taking the time to stop by on my blog today!


  1. Hehe i got it :) And I've always wanted to learn how to surf... sadly for me i don't live near water, but one day... hopefully :)

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

    1. Great! It's a fantastic book, and the series just keep getting better and better!

      As for surfing...I think it's way cool, but I dont think I'm coordinated enough to learn how to do it LOL

  2. Thanks for this great giveaway! It sounds like an interesting story :).

    1. :) Thanks for stopping by! It's really a good read!

  3. In the first three books the big issue was Marinas strong desires towards the ocean but in this fourth and final book the big issue was both her and Ethans insecurities towards each-other.
    There is also a lot of jealousy going on which of course disturbs their relationship.
    There were a lot of twists and turns that were completely unexpected and this is what made the book so good.
