Tuesday, December 17, 2024

2024 End of the Year Book Tag

I know I say this every December, but these end-of-the-year posts are my favorite types of posts to do! They're so fun! This first post is the End of Year Book Tag, and the original tag can be found here.

Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

👀 Yes... And I don't want to talk about it 😭 Okay, I'll talk about it. Lol. I started this book over two months ago, and there's nothing wrong with it, but my mood has not been cooperating! 😭 It just doesn't want urban fantasy right now 😭 I'm about 125 pages in or so, but it is a BIG book! I think it's like 650 pages long. I would like to finish it before the year is over, but I honestly don't know if I will. At the end of December, if I still have not finished it, I think I'm just going to put it back on my tbr and give it a shot another time when my mood decides to cooperate.

Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

This is always a hard question especially because I have been reading a lot of horror and fantasy books, which in my head are very autumnal. Lol. And it was especially difficult because I read horror books year-round 😅 This year, I read This Book Kills, a mystery thriller, back in August, and that sort of started my transition into the books I've been reading at the end of the year (which was horror for like 3 months and I only recently started reading some fantasies lol).

Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

I don't think so. The last book that was released that I was anticipating was Revenant-X, but that one came out at the beginning of last month.

What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?


I've got a couple of fantasy books I want to get to!

Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?

I just started this book, and while I'm not that far into it, I have heard nothing but good things about it!

Have you already started making reading plans for 2024?

Not completely as my mood is in charge around here. Lol. But I did sign up for a bunch of reading challenges... again. Lol. But in regards to the more immediate future, I think I'm going to start the year off with some sci-fi, perhaps? 👀

Let me know if you already have reading plans for next year!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers!


  1. I do so love seeing the end of year posts. This tag is fun.

  2. I always think about doing this tag, and then I do my top 10 for the end of the year and don't get to anything else. I have a few books I started last year and didn't get finished, lol.
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I get that. It gets so busy at the end of the year with all the posts. Lol.
