Saturday, February 22, 2025

2025 Bookish Prediction Tag

I've been doing this tag for the last couple of years and I just really like it. It's fun! It was created by Book Princess Reviews.

Next Read

This book is coming out soon and I have an ARC I need to read! Lol.

Next 5 Star Read

Easy. Lol.

Next 1 Star Read

This question is always hard because I never go into a book thinking I'm going to hate it. The only reason I picked this one is because it's horror and horror can be hit or miss for me. However, I have heard good things about this book. Lol.

Next Love Interest (or Character that Seems Really Cool to You)

I could not think of any book with a love interest AND THEN I remembered Lynn Painter. Obviously. Lol. This one doesn't come out till Autumn, so I'll probably find a different love interest before then. But for now, this is all I can think of. Lol.

Next Book You’ll Be Buying

I just bought a bunch of books recently so idk that I'll be buying any more books soon. If I do, it might be this one. But honestly, I was just thinking of borrowing it from the library. Lol.

Next Book That Will Leave You with a Book Hangover (and Desperately Wanting a Reread or Next in Series)

If this is as fun as the other two books in the series, probably this one. Lol.

Idk why, but for some reason, it was a lot harder to pick books this year. It might be because I don't really know what I'm picking up next. Lol. Anyway, I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁

1 comment:

  1. idk why but I'm scared to start All Shall Mourn 😂 I think it's because my expectations are so high right now that idk what to do if the book doesn't wow me 😂 I know it probably will, but still...the dread 😂
