Hey guys! I've got an awesome post for you all! I've got a really fun interview with the author AND a giveaway at the end! Let's get started!
About the book:
Alyssa opened her eyes to darkness. And in the first flash of light provided by a gathering storm, she could make out a ring of bodies surrounding her.
With no memory of who she is, Alyssa stumbles into a dark world populated by witches. The witches are powerful, and demonstrate frightening powers, but even more terrifying are the monsters who rule over the land. Vampires, werewolves and other awful creatures of the night have taken over, forcing the witches behind stone walls, afraid to venture outdoors. But Alyssa finds that as she kills certain monsters, memories return to her, memories of a life on Earth, and the boy she left behind.
The quest to collect her memories and piece together the puzzle of what has happened to her is a daunting one, with betrayals and sacrifices every step of the way. But Alyssa is determined to fight for a world that is not her own, destroying powerful monsters along the way, so that she can return home to the boy she is coming to love through the memories she recollects.
Thank you so much Dave, for stopping by and taking the time to answer these questions!
1. Tell us 5 random things about yourself.
- Aside from young adult novels, I also read tons of graphic novels.
- I looove horror movies.
- I'm a chocoholic.
- Instead of coffee, I get a drink called a London Fog for my caffeine fix (Earl Grey tea with milk and vanilla flavoring).
- I've seen every episode of Star Trek.
2. If you weren't an author, what would your ideal career be?
This is pretty nerdy, but I would love to run a comic book store. I really like merchandising and I think picking which books to push and the whole ordering/selling process would be a lot of fun.
3. Describe "Dark Genesis" in a Tweet (140 characters or less).
A girl with no memory fights monsters in a world populated by witches, to regain her memories and return home.
4. What led you to write "Dark Genesis?"
I've been writing my "Hunters of the Dark" series for so long that every once in awhile I want to take a break to work on something that's been stewing in my head for awhile, and "Dark Genesis" was the project I was most excited about. Before writing something, I sort of envision scenes in my head and the things I was thinking about for this book were too good not to start working on right away. My boyfriend and I had talked at one point about creating a comic book about a group of people who travel to a world populated by monsters, and I grafted that onto another idea I had for a world of witches, separated by covens, with different powers. The ideas complimented each other really well, and I came out with this amazing story.
5. What kind of research did you have to do for "Dark Genesis?"
I've researched a lot of folklore for my "Hunters of the Dark" series, so I had plenty of that information ready before I went in, which helped to make things go smoother. I did investigate magic quite a bit to make things sound more realistic. While the magic of this world isn't exactly the magic of Aboriginals or voodoo, for example, I did graft properties from them onto certain covens and characters.
6. What does your protagonist think of you? Would they want to hang out with you, the author, their creator?
I think Alyssa would like me, but she would probably take one look at me and realize that I couldn't fight to save my life. But we both like horror movies, so I think she would hang out with me since we have that in common.
7. If you were stranded on a DESSERT island, what one thing would you never get tired of eating?
Cocoa. And if I could mix it with coconut, all the better!
8. What movies are you looking forward to this year?
I'm a big film buff, so I'm looking forward to quite a few. For action, "Catching Fire," "Pacific Rim" and "Star Trek: Into Darkness." In the realm of superhero movies, "The Wolverine," "Iron Man 3" and "Thor: The Dark World." And when it comes to horror movies, "Evil Dead" is easily at the top of my list.
9. If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be and why?
I would go with a vampire. I could be young and beautiful forever, and wouldn't have to painfully turn into a beast and go all feral once a month like a werewolf. The blood, I could deal with blood bank-style.
10. Is there anything else you would like to say to your readers and fans?
I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read what I've written, and those willing to go on the journey with me in the future. I love writing and have many more stories to tell!
Contact Dave Ferraro!
Website: http://www.ferrarofiction.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @Dave_Ferraro
Okay, how awesome is Dave for this giveaway?
"You can get your copy of Dark Genesis now for FREE by filling out the Rafflecopter below. Everyone who enters also has a chance to win a $40 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble – it’s your choice!! This is an international contest and everyone who enters can choose their e-format of choice to receive their copy of Dark Genesis for free from Smashwords! And did I mention the $40 gift card?!" (In the blank you can write in "Lili Lost in a Book.")
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The giveaway ends March 18th, so enter now! Also, you can go to the author's blog and check out all the other blogs participating, for more interviews, excerpts and guest posts!

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