
The reviews are assorted by the authors last name and series with some standalones sprinkled throughout. Anthologies are at the bottom of the page labeled as such. Yes, there is a method to my madness 😆

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Anthologies


Channie by Charlotte Abel

Darkworld by Emma L. Adams

Loop by Karen Akins

Books by Courtney Alameda

Edie Spence by Cassie Alexander

Stirring Up Trouble Trilogy by Juli Alexander

Investigating the Hottie by Juli Alexander

Paxton Private Investigations by Juli Alexander

Other books by Juli Alexander

Dollhouse by Anya Allyn

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu

Marina's Tales by Derrolyn Anderson

The Athena Effect by Derrolyn Anderson

Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson

B Mine by Brooklyn Ann

Covenant by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Darkest Powers by Kelley Armstrong

Darkness Rising (sequel/spin-off series to 'Darkest Powers') by Kelley Armstrong

Other books by Kelley Armstrong

The Blackwell Pages by K.L. Armstrong & M.A. Marr (pen names of Kelley Armstrong and Melissa Marr)

The Arkwell Academy by Mindee Arnett

Avalon by Mindee Arnett

Books by Amanda Ashby

Books by Kemi Ashing-Giwa

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

The Lady Janies by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows


Books by Charlotte Bacon

Books by Jill Baguchinsky

The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker

Books by Cyn Balog

Books by Danielle Banas

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Books by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Books by S.A. Barnes (pen name of Stacey Kade)

Mercedes Cruz by Elizabeth Basque & P.J. Day

Books by Kalynn Bayron

Books by S.J. Bell

Books by K.D. Berry

Talent Chronicles by Susan Bischoff

Curse Workers by Holly Black

Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Other books by Kendare Blake

Books by Sheena Boekweg

Slug Pie Stories by Mick Bogerman

Contagion by Erin Bowman

Books by Ryan Craig Bradford

The Diviners by Libba Bray

Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown

Books by Ness Brown

Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper by J.L. Bryan

The Paranormals by J.L. Bryan

Other books by J.L. Bryan


1-800-Where-R-You by Meg Cabot

The Mediator by Meg Cabot

The Shadow Demons Saga by Sarra Cannon

Books by Courtney Carbone

Stormheart by Cora Carmack

Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

The Murder Notebooks by Anne Cassidy

Books by J.C. Cervantes

Dualed by Elise Chapman

Young Adult Horror by Jackson Dean Chase

Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

Medusa Girls by Tera Lynn Childs

The Hero Agenda by Tera Lynn Childs & Tracy Deebs

The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco

The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

The Last Hours by Cassandra Clare

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare

The Eldest Curses by Cassandra Clare

The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare

Other Books in The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare

New Sight by C.L. Clark

Goodnight Family by Rosemary Clement-Moore

Books by Darcy Coates

Matched by Ally Condie

Seriously Wicked by Tina Connolly

Books by Sal Conte (pen name of E. Van Lowe)

Books by Ron Corriveau

The Librarians by Greg Cox

Mutants by Sandra Cox

Nevermore by Kelly Creagh

Books by Megan Crewe

Desolation by Ali Cross

Sisters of Blood and Spirit by Kady Cross

The Steampunk Chronicles by Kady Cross

Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow

Poltergeeks by Sean Cummings

Books by Richie Tankersley Cusick


Pantheons by E.J. Dabel

Croak by Gina Damico

The Blooming Goddess Trilogy by Tellulah Darling

The Clann by Melissa Darnell

A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies

Books by Graeme Davis

Mercedes Cruz by P.J. Day & Elizabeth Basque

The Monster Files by Cate Dean

The Hero Agenda by Tracy Deebs & Tera Lynn Childs

Other books by Tracy Deebs

Confessions of an Angel-In-Training by Shel Delisle

The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

Books by Carrie Ann DiRisio

Waterfire Saga by Jennifer Donnelly

The St. Augustine Trilogy by Doug Dillon

Reaper's Rite by Dorothy Dreyer

Other books by Dorothy Dreyer

MILA 2.0 by Debra Driza

Books by Pintip Dunn

Books by Julia Durango

Books by Gabriel Dylan


Flesh and Metal by Alicia Ellis

Books by Laura Esquivel

Mythos Academy by Jennifer Estep

Mythos Academy Spinoff by Jennifer Estep

Black Blade by Jennifer Estep

Elemental Assassin by Jennifer Estep

Crown of Shards by Jennifer Estep

Gargoyle Queen by Jennifer Estep

Bigtime by Jennifer Estep

Section 47 by Jennifer Estep

Galactic Bonds by Jennifer Estep

Write Your Own Series by Jennifer Estep

Other books by Jennifer Estep

Books by Chris Van Etten

Books by Bernard Evslin


Books by Thomas Fahy

Books by Beth Fantaskey

Forensic Mystery by Alane Ferguson

Books by Dave Ferraro

Books by Alex Finlay

The Key Trilogy by Nancy Richardson Fischer

Books by Rusty Fischer

Books by Alex Flinn


Books by Cecilia Galante

Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey

Books by J. Gabriel Gates

Books by Noa Gavin & Nick Scott

The 19th Year by Emi Gayle

Audrey's Guides by Jody Gehrman

Proximity by M.A. George

Aqua by M.A. George

Shardwell Series by A. Gerry and C. Hall

Books by Eva V. Gibson

Existence Trilogy by Abbi Glines

Books by Maya Gold

Books by Seth Grahame-Smith

Rolling in the Deep by Mira Grant

Parasitology by Mira Grant

The Nightmare Series by Robert Gray

Books by Ravena Guron


An Unfortunate Fairy Tale by Chanda Hahn

Shardwell Series by C. Hall & A. Gerry

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand

The Lady Janies by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows

Clarity by Kim Harrington

Other books by Kim Harrington

Books by K.A. Harrington (pen name of Kim Harrington)

Funeral Crashing by Milda Harris

Madison Avery by Kim Harrison

Monster High by Lisi Harrison

Slide by Jill Hathaway

Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins

Elysium Legacies by Erin Hayes

Books by Griffin Hayes

Books by Karen Healey

The Warner Grimoire by Clay Held

Books by K.C. Held

Books by Grady Hendrix

Books by April Henry

Sal and Gabi by Carlos Hernandez

Abyssal Sanctuary by Gavin Hetherington

Slayers by C.J. Hill (pen name of Janette Rallison)

Books by Diane Hoh

The Grim Trilogy by Elizabeth Holloway

The Neptune Project by Polly Holyoke

Books by Jennifer Honeybourn

Splintered by A.G. Howard

The Danaan Trilogy by Laura Howard

Hereafter by Tara Hudson

Space Janitor by Julia Huni

Tales of a Former Space Janitor by Julia Huni

Friends of a Former Space Janitor by Julia Huni

Other Space Janitor books by Julia Huni

Recycled World by Julia Huni

Colonial Explorer Corps by Julia Huni

Krimson Empire by Julia Huni

Scary Mary by S.A. Hunter

Books by Thommy Hutson



A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Midnight Dragonfly by Ellie James

Books by A.W. Jantha

Spellbound by Nikki Jefford

Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter by Nikki Jefford

Books by Catherine Jinks

The Night Walkers by J.R. Johansson

Flying by Carrie Jones

Charley Davidson by Darynda Jones

Oracle of Delphi by Diantha Jones


The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade

Project Paper Doll by Stacey Kade

Maniac of New York by Elliott Kalan

Books by Lydia Kang & Nate Pedersen

The Aurora Cycle by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Books by Helen Keeble

Books by Cassandra Khaw

Books by Phoebe Kitanidis

Books by Jen Klein

Evil Librarian by Michelle Knudsen

Books by Marie Kondo

The Aurora Cycle by Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman

Bleach by Tite Kubo


Books by Mur Lafferty

Alienated by Melissa Landers

Books by Erin Jade Lange

Books by Language Learning University

Darwin's Children by Natasha Larry

The Nightshade Cases by Patti Larsen

The Universe Builders by Steve LeBel

Twisted Fate by Sasha Leigh

The Cavy Files by Trisha Leigh

Blackheath by Gabriella Lepore

Books by Mark Leslie

C.H.A.O.S. by Jon S. Lewis

Heroes of Arcania by Liz Long

Books by Bethany Lopez

Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore

Falling Angels by E. Van Lowe

Hollyweird by E. Van Lowe

Warcross by Marie Lu

I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga


Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Books by Drew Magary

Books by Holly Maguire

Blood Coven Vampire by Mari Mancusi

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

Books by Daniel Marks

None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney

The Blackwell Pages by M.A. Marr & K.L. Armstrong (pen names of Melissa Marr & Kelley Armstrong)

Books by Amanda Marrone

How to Hang a Witch by Adriana Mather

The MacDonald Brothers by Emily Matthews

Books by Gillian McAllister

Books by Guadalupe Garcia McCall

Red Magic by Jen McConnel

Spell Book & Scandal by Jen McConnel

Magic Series by Kathy McCullough

Books by Jennette McCurdy

Undead by Kirsty McKay

Other books by Kirsty McKay

Ondine by Ebony McKenna

Books by Paul McKenna

Books by Adrian McKinty

Books by Jennifer McMahon

Dream Catcher by Lisa McMann

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Myth-O-Mania by Kate McMullan

Books by Getchen McNeil

The Mellow Summers Series by Janet McNulty

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Newsoul by Jodi Meadows

The Lady Janies by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows

Paola Santiago by Tehlor Kay Mejia

Books by Lee Mellor

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer

Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Fortuna Beach by Marissa Meyer

Gilded by Marissa Meyer

Other books by Marissa Meyer

The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

The Twilight Graphic Novel by Stephenie Meyer

The Robot Galaxy by Adeena Mignogna

Books by Madeline Miller

Books by Megan Miranda

A Gentle Noble's Vacation Recommendation by Misaki

Bloody Mary by Hillary Monahan

Ruined by Paula Morris

Books by Thomas Morris

Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton

The Dead Kid Detective Agency by Evan Munday

What If? by Randall Munroe

Books by L.S. Murphy

Books by Michelle Muto

Books by Kate Kae Myers


The Mark by Jen Nadol

Books by Nina Nesseth

The Immortals by Alyson Noel

Riley Bloom by Alyson Noel (sequel/spin-off series to 'The Immortals')

Bowe Bellanger by David J. Normoyle

Other Books by David J. Normoyle


Olympians by George O'Connor

Asgardians by George O'Connor

Books by C.J. Omololu

Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram

The Tale of Bryant Adams by Megan O'Russell


Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter

YA Books by Lynn Painter

Books by Chuck Palahniuk

Books by Rosanna Pansino

The PSS Chronicles by Ripley Patton

The Weight of Souls by Bryony Pearce

Books by Nate Pedersen & Lydia Kang

Books by Stephanie Perkins

Books by Marie Phillips

Dreamfall by Amy Plum

Books by Natasha Preston

Past Midnight by Mara Purnhagen


Mindjack by Susan Kaye Quinn


My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison

Pullman High by Janette Rallison

Other YA books by Janette Rallison

Adult books by Janette Rallison

Mystical Encounters by Kimberly Readnour

Books by Douglas Rees

Books by Carla Rehse

Chaotic Orbits by Beth Revis

Books by Natalie D. Richards

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

Other editions of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

The Heroes of Olympus (sequel/spin-off series to 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians') by Rick Riordan

The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

Percy Jackson/Kane Chronicles Crossover Novellas by Rick Riordan

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard by Rick Riordan

Books edited by Rick Riordan

Other books by Rick Riordan

Guardians Inc. by Julian Rosado-Machain

Broken by A.E. Rought

Asylum by Madeleine Roux

Zombie by Madeleine Roux

Demon Princess by Michelle Rowen

Other books by Michelle Rowen

Night Muse by Stacey Rychener


Books by Riley Sager

Lunatic Life by Sharon Sala

Books by David M. Salkin

Books by Sharon Sant

Books by Eriko Sato

League of Liars by Astrid Scholte

Other books by Astrid Scholte

Books by Nick Scott & Noa Gavin

Books by Jo Segura

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard

Intertwined by Gena Showalter

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

The Dark World by Cara Lynn Shultz

Books by Neal Shusterman

Olivia Hart and the Gifted Program by Alana Siegel

Books by Jon Skovron

Shinigami Eyes by Cheree & Adam Smith

My Spy by Tiana Smith

Books by Grant Snider

Books by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Starlight Saga by Sherry Soule

Books by Britney Spears

Books by Lisa Springer

Switched at First Kiss by Anna Staniszewski

Fear Street by R.L. Stine

The Wrong Number by R.L. Stine

The Stepsister by R.L. Stine

The Best Friend by R.L. Stine

Fear Street: Fear Hall by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Super Chillers by R.L. Stine

Silent Night by R.L. Stine

Goodnight Kiss by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Cheerleaders by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Saga Trilogy by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Sagas by R.L. Stine

Fear Park by R.L. Stine

99 Fear Street: The House of Evil by R.L. Stine

Fear Street: The Cataluna Chronicles by R.L. Stine

New Fear Street by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Nights by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Collector's Editions by R.L. Stine

Fear Street Relaunch by R.L. Stine

Return to Fear Street by R.L. Stine

The Babysitter by R.L. Stine

Halloween Night by R.L. Stine

Other Books by R.L. Stine

Cassidy Jones Adventures by Elise Stokes

Clockwise by Elle Strauss

Books by Annie Sullivan

Books by Susan Abel Sullivan

Aliens Are Real by Sabrina Sumsion

Paper Gods by Amanda Sun

Parse Galaxy by Kate Sheeran Swed


The Unbelievables by K.C. Tansley

Children of the Gods by Jessica Therrien

Sweep by Cate Tiernan

Tales form the Gas Station by Jack Townsend

Books by Debbie Tung


Books by Diana Urban


The Reaper Diaries by Michele Vail

Books by Danielle Valentine

Books by Susan Vaught

Angel of Death Series by Majanka Verstraete

Shifters by Rachel Vincent

Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent

Books by Peter Vronsky


Sphinx by Raye Wagner

Origin of the Sphinx

Books by Kali Wallace

The Luck Series by Jaclyn Weist

Books by James Welch

Fools Crow

Red Space by David Wellington

Other books by David Wellington

Books by Carly Anne West

The Murmurings The Bargaining

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy Supernaturally Endlessly

Sinister Summer by Kiersten White

Wretched Waterpark

Other MG books by Kiersten White


Other YA books by Kiersten White

Chaos of Stars

Adult books by Kiersten White


Imperfect Darkness by Kim White

White Oak

The Babysitters Coven by Kate Williams

The Babysitters Coven

Books by Brett Wright


Ravaged World Trilogy by Ian Rob Wright

Other books by Ian Rob Wright



Books by Brenna Yovanoff

The Space Between



Vacations from Hell Kisses from Hell Kiss Me Deadly Enthralled