It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

First of all, reading FOUR books in one week is huge for me! Second, 3/4 of the books I read are contemporaries, and I never read contemporaries! But that might be changing now? Okay, look, my heart still hurts from finishing Clockwork Princess a week ago, and I needed something lighthearted to cheer me up. I love Janette Rallison's other paranormal books, so last year I thought I'd give one of her contemporary books a chance, and what do you know! I loved it! And here I am a year later, reading more of her contemporaries. And yes, I really loved these as well. I read the entire Pullman High trilogy in 3 days! I definitely think I'm going to start branching out and looking into other contemporary books... probably 😉 lol.
And look, I even read one Fear Street book just so you guys know it's really me. Lol.

More Fear Street! I was stuck between this or another Janette Rallison book. I'll probably go back to another Janette contemporary after this. Who am I?! Lol

I am still hurting over Clockwork Princess, so I've been holding off on starting this one. But I gotta say, I'm excited to revisit this series as it is one of my favorites! Also I ADORE Jace! 😍

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