Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Post #406: Much Needed Break

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

School is over. Finally 😭 This week was rough on my mental health. I've felt like I've been running on fumes for the last two months, but I finally have a week break... before I have to work summer school again this year 😭 Wish me luck.

As you can imagine, school was busy this past week with all the end-of-the-school-year activities. On Tuesday they had Move Up Day where they got to meet their teacher for the following year. My patient will be in 5th grade next year and I honestly cannot believe it. I have been taking care of her since she was like 18 months old! And she is about to go into her last year of elementary school! That is wild! On another note, her 5th grade class is gonna be real rough next year... there are at least 5 kids in there that have behavior issues 😬 I have heard this teacher has really good class management though, so hopefully it won't be too bad. And she seems nice!

On Thursday they had field day where they just do a bunch of fun activities and games. In previous years, it was only for half the day where they would go outside and have all these fun stations with games, a lot of water games included, but this year it was the WHOLE day and I don't know whose idea it was but it was a horrible one 😭 I mean, the kids had fun, but the adults were exhausted by the end 😂

I keep complaining, but in all honesty, I really am going to miss these kids. Towards the end of the school year I actually got a couple of them to read Percy Jackson, and here are two students who wrote about it in their memory book they were working on this past week... both of their favorite parts were when Percy exploded the toilets 😂

Because I have been so mentally exhausted lately, I have fallen behind in writing reviews... again. This happens to me all the time so I honestly shouldn't even be surprised. Lol. I'm still posting reviews, they're just not of books I have read this year 😅 This week I'm hoping to do a little catch-up before I have to go back to work.

I'm still reviewing Japanese kanji, but not as often as I would like. I'm still having fun doing it though.

What I've been watching:

On Tuesday I got home from work and I just about started sobbing because work and stress and all those fun things. So you know what I did? I watched Supernatural because I'm weird and that is my comfort show. Lol. I'm currently on season 10 of my rewatch so I watched a couple of my favorite episodes from that season: Hibbing 911 (I LOVE Jodi and Donna!), Ask Jeeves, and Fan Fiction (aka Supernatural the musical lol). I love Fan Fiction!! The Supernatural songs are top tier, despite what Dean thinks 🤣 And watching Supernatural totally did the trick. It always makes me feel better. I also watched some of the Supernatural Bloopers afterward because they always make me happy. But aside from trying to cure my mental health with Supernatural, I didn't really watch anything else (aside from YouTube... the one thing I have been consistently watching on there is the Karen Read trial... it is WILD.)

What I've been listening to:

The new Unlike Pluto album is finally out and it is SO good!! Plus, the album cover is SO cute!

I love that he always puts out one new song a week from the album leading up to said album's release. I just love his music! This is the last song on the album:

"This one is about people who hold in their anger and let it all out on you." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

I am of course still playing The Sims 4, though I didn't take any screenshots this week, shockingly. I'm still doing the Alien Takeover challenge, but I am also every once in a while going back to my Every Occult/Mystical Motherhood challenge which is two challenges that I mashed into one because why not complicate things. Lol. Things haven't been too exciting on that latter challenge, I'm still in the beginning stages of trying to get occult Sims, so I haven't taken any screenshots of that gameplay either.

I also did finally play the free demo of Tiny Bookshop that I got from Steam last week! I love the idea of it, but idk if I'm completely sold on it yet. From the little I've played, there's actually not a lot to do when you're actually selling books. Every once in a while you will get a pop-up where one of your shoppers needs a recommendation, and I LOVE that! However, I wish those pop-ups happened more often because otherwise, I was just sitting there... waiting. In the pop-up, they'll tell you what type of book they're looking for and on the left side of the screen, in the bookcase, you have to pick a book that best fits what they're looking for. What I didn't realize is that those books are REAL books!! Look at this! Percy Jackson!! 🤩

That was VERY cool! It was a very Percy Jackson kind of week for me, and I am here for it! 😆 Anyway, this wasn't the type of book the shopper was looking for, but I thought it was cool. I'm still undecided whether I want to buy this game when it comes out. I think I'm going to wait for its release and maybe watch some gameplay on YouTube and see what I think.

Playing two demos last weekend left me wanting a new game to play, so I browsed the Nintendo shop and I browsed Steam and I came across this game...

It's about this little cloud just ruining people's days and... I NEEDED IT! It looked like so much fun!! Luckily, there was a free demo of it on Steam, so I tried it out and I fell in love with it!


First of all, it takes place in Seattle. I live like 3 hours away from Seattle so that's pretty cool. But you basically just go around and rain on things and cause general chaos.

It is a very cathartic game 😌😂 I did end up buying the complete game + DLC from Steam because I enjoyed the demo so much. It's on Switch as well, and I would've gotten it on there, but it was much cheaper on Steam, so I ended up getting it on there instead. However, I wound up connecting my Switch controller to my laptop because I found those controls easier to use than the keyboard. But yeah, this game is a lot of fun! And I really like the graphics!

I also started playing Ring Fit Adventure again yesterday, because I had stopped playing it. This is literally the only way I get any working out in 😂 But it's fun, so I'll take it!

Nail art of the week:

My rainbow gradient from last week. Idk... this picture isn't great. Lol. But the nail polishes are nice!


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#371: I Hate Being a Mood Reader

Book Haul

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I get the comfort show thing! For me that is Outlander. If I have a bad week or a bad day or anything I put it on and it just comforts me to watch it, even when it makes me cry or angry, or whatever. lol Enjoy your week break! I really only got a two day break from students before summer school started for us. But now I'm down to a week and a half left! Some fun sounding games, I might have to check that Rain one out! I also bought some nail polish last week, I think maybe you are the one who shared about it? Hoping the place I go get my mani-pedi will use it because it is cool! Have a better week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yep, it was probably me 😂 I'm looking forward to seeing what polishes you got!
