Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.
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Here is what I got this week...Part 2 to my prize that I won in a Giveaway held by Jessica Therrien! (Thanks Jessica!)

Oppression playlist (which I am super excited to listen to!), an Oppression lined notebook, and a signed paperback! :D
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These next e-books I got yesterday from Amazon for FREE (click on the pic to take you to the Amazon page)
More FREE Amazon e-books:
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And this last one I also got for FREE, but from Smashwords (click on the pic to take you to the Smashwords page)
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What did bookish things did you get this week?? Tell me in comments or leave me a link!
Great Post!