Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!
I am currently on day 7 and am 1 book behind! D: Gah!
And that is pretty much all I've done... Oh! Actually, I have also been watching some horror movies 'cause you know how much I love them ;) But I haven't seen any worth noting, unfortunately.
Nail Art of the Week:
The Shutter nail art is coming, I promise! I was supposed to post it last week, but all the reading and the working got me side tracked and writing up that type of post is a little time consuming. I will be done with the reading challenge in the middle of this week so hopefully I will write up said post. As for current nail art...
None, actually. I am wearing my current favorite holo! It is gorgeous! I don't typically wear just one solid color on my nails for very long because that just too boring and I love doing nail art, but I don't mind wearing just this color at all! Unfortunately, It's limited edition *cries* so I'm going to have to stock up on it before it goes out of stock! (You can find it here!)
Book Haul
[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]
Good luck with your decathlon! You are doing great! Have a great week!