Title: A Sprinkle of Krimson
Series: Tales of a Former Space Janitor #4.5 | Krimson Empire #4.5
Previous books in the Space Janitor series: The Vacuum of Space (#1) | The Dust of Kaku (#2) | The Trouble with Tinsel (#2.5) | Glitter in the Stars (#3) | Sweeping S'Ride (#4)
Previous books in the Tales of a Former Space Janitor series: The Rings of Grissom (#1) | Planetary Spin Cycle (#2) | Waxing the Moon of Lewei (#3) | Christmas Cookie Crumbs (#3.5) | Changing the Speed of Light Bulbs (#4)
Previous books in the Krimson Empire series: Krimson Run (#1) | Krimson Spark (#2) | Krimson Surge (#3) | Krimson Flare (#4)
Author: Julia Huni
Genre: Adult, sci-fi
Publication date: December 2023
Published by: IPH Media
Source: Kickstarter reward
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Synopsis: When Scott Calvin shows up on SK2, you know it's Christmas time. This year, he needs Triana and O'Neill's help, although as usual, he doesn't know exactly what he needs help with. When the Reinsdyr takes them to an interdicted system, our heroes meet new friends from the Krimson Empire.
*Author's note: If you haven't read any Space Janitor stories, this one might not make a lot of sense to you. I recommend starting with The Trouble with Tinsel if you're short on time, or The Vacuum of Space. Links to both of those books can be found in the back of this story.*
Ah! A Space Janitor/Krimson Empire crossover novella?!
Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! 😊
I cannot tell you how excited I was when this novella landed in my inbox. I was so curious to see how the characters from these two completely different series were going to meet. I should’ve guessed though. If anyone was going to bring these characters together it was going to be Scott Calvin aka Santa Claus- I mean, whaaat??? He’s not real 👀
I love the Space Janitor series, and I especially love Triana. But it was so weird for me (not in a bad way though) reading this because the Space Janitor crew ended up meeting the Krimson Empire crew on Quinn and Tony’s turf. I binge-read the entirety of the Krimson Empire series not too long before I read this novella, so I had spent a lot of time in that world and in those characters' heads. It was weird being back in the Krimson Empire world but in Triana’s POV! It was just crazy but in the best way possible! I loved it! Crossovers are the best!
But let me back up, Triana and her friends were recruited by Scott Calvin because he needed their help with something that could potentially save Christmas. This, however, required a bit of travel... travel to another system. A system that was actually discovered by the Colonial Explorer Corps (!!!) the previous year. And where do they end up? Lunesco, the fringe planet Quinn and Tony liberated from the Federation in the second book of the Krimson Empire series. When I tell you I was giddy with excitement when Triana met Quinn and all the characters from these two different series were interacting with one another...
Their interactions were so fun and I am so glad that Julia Huni was able to introduce the Krimson Empire gang to the greater Space Janitor universe! (ALL of her books, aside from the Krimson Empire series, actually take place in the same universe... until now!) I am SO excited!
One thing that made me laugh was how frustrated Vanti was with the lack of logic when it came to Scott Calvin.
That is some sage piece of advice from Ty, Triana’s hubby, when it comes to Scott Calvin and every odd thing that goes on around him. Lol. But honestly, yeah. Otherwise, it would drive you insane! Poor Vanti, I think this trip almost broke her 😂 Especially that ending... it was so cute! The Christmas gift she got...
This story was just really sweet and I enjoyed everything about it! The characters interacting with one another, Sashelle being her sassy self, Vanti almost having a meltdown 😂 It was so much fun! AND there’s going to be yet ANOTHER crossover, that one including Siti from the Colonial Explorer Corps, and I cannot freaking wait! It’s going to be SO good!
I love the Space Janitor series, and I especially love Triana. But it was so weird for me (not in a bad way though) reading this because the Space Janitor crew ended up meeting the Krimson Empire crew on Quinn and Tony’s turf. I binge-read the entirety of the Krimson Empire series not too long before I read this novella, so I had spent a lot of time in that world and in those characters' heads. It was weird being back in the Krimson Empire world but in Triana’s POV! It was just crazy but in the best way possible! I loved it! Crossovers are the best!
But let me back up, Triana and her friends were recruited by Scott Calvin because he needed their help with something that could potentially save Christmas. This, however, required a bit of travel... travel to another system. A system that was actually discovered by the Colonial Explorer Corps (!!!) the previous year. And where do they end up? Lunesco, the fringe planet Quinn and Tony liberated from the Federation in the second book of the Krimson Empire series. When I tell you I was giddy with excitement when Triana met Quinn and all the characters from these two different series were interacting with one another...
Their interactions were so fun and I am so glad that Julia Huni was able to introduce the Krimson Empire gang to the greater Space Janitor universe! (ALL of her books, aside from the Krimson Empire series, actually take place in the same universe... until now!) I am SO excited!
One thing that made me laugh was how frustrated Vanti was with the lack of logic when it came to Scott Calvin.
"I've decided to stop asking questions. Just go with it."
That is some sage piece of advice from Ty, Triana’s hubby, when it comes to Scott Calvin and every odd thing that goes on around him. Lol. But honestly, yeah. Otherwise, it would drive you insane! Poor Vanti, I think this trip almost broke her 😂 Especially that ending... it was so cute! The Christmas gift she got...
This story was just really sweet and I enjoyed everything about it! The characters interacting with one another, Sashelle being her sassy self, Vanti almost having a meltdown 😂 It was so much fun! AND there’s going to be yet ANOTHER crossover, that one including Siti from the Colonial Explorer Corps, and I cannot freaking wait! It’s going to be SO good!
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