Title: Red Glove
Series: Curse Workers #2
Previous book in this series: White Cat
Author: Holly Black
Genre: YA, urban fantasy
Publication date: April 2011
Published by: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Source: Library Book
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In Cassel Sharpe's world, they go together. Cassel always though he was an ordinary guy, until he realized his memories were being manipulated by his brothers. Now he knows the truth - he's the most powerful curse worker around. A touch of his hand can transform anything - or anyone - into something else.
That was how Lila, the girl he loved, became a white cat. Cassel was tricked into thinking he killed her, when actually he tried to save her. Now that she's human again, he should be overjoyed. Trouble is, Lila's been cursed to love him, a little gift from his emotion-worker mom. And if Lila's love is as phony as Cassel's made-up memories, then he can't believe anything she says or does.
When Cassel's oldest brother is murdered, the Feds recruit Cassel to help make sense of the only clue - crime-scene images of a woman in red gloves. But the mob is after Cassel too - they know how valuable he could be to them. Cassel is going to have to stay one step ahead of both sides just to survive. But where can he turn when he can't trust anyone - least of all, himself?
Love is a curse and the con is the only answer in a game too dangerous to lose.
In this installment of the Curse Workers series, someone close to Cassel is murdered. The FBI offer him a deal if he helps them out with the case. But will Cass help the Feds, or will he keep the trust of his Curse Worker family?
I’m telling you now, if you have not read the first book in the series, I don’t recommend you continue reading this ‘cause spoilers! I repeat, spoiler alert for White Cat! Otherwise, you’re totally fine. No spoilers for Red Glove.
Remember the time Cass thought he was a non-Worker? Yeah, good times. Except it runs out he’s a freaking transformer Worker! OMG! So cool and crazy! But I’m still pissed at his brothers for forcing him to use his abilities in the way he did. WTF? What kind of family are you?! They’re a bunch of f*ucking as*holes -_- I also hate what his mother did to Lila at the end of the last book. Yeah, her emotions are unstable, but Cassle didn’t ask for her “help,” especially considering that wasn’t very helpful! Ugh! Cassel has one messed up family. Seriously. But Cassel does take advantage of the gaps in Barron’s memory and I was like...

He totally deserved it! And because of that, I kind of almost liked him in this book!
As I’ve mentioned before, I really like the characters in this series! I love Cassel’s new friends! Though Cass himself is still trying to get used to having friends, lol. Lila, on the other hand, while I feel absolutely awful as to what was done to her, I still don’t like her. I don’t know what Cass sees in her, honestly.
The mystery in this book as to who the killer was... amazing! Guys, I’ve read this book twice now, and I was surprised both times when I found out who the killer was! The story in this book was just great!
Overall, Red Glove was another great read! I cannot wait to see how this series wraps up!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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