Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Top Books I Wish I’d Read in 2018

The never-ending TBR pile... it's something I struggle with constantly. This year there were certain books I wanted to get to, but for one reason or another, I never did. This always happens to me. Always. Lol. Anyway, here are some of those books. And let me know if you read any of these books and what you thought of them!

City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2) City of Glass (The Mortal Instruments, #3)

Finishing series is one of my weaknesses. This year I wanted to finish a handful of them, TMI being one of them. Unfortunately, I didn't. Lol. However, I did finish up The Infernal Devices at the beginning of the year PLUS I finished my re-read of City of Bones not too long ago. But that's it. I've actually only ever read the first 3 books in the series out of 6 sooooo yeah. I need to get on it. Lol.

The Evil Moon (Fear Street: The Cataluna Chronicles, #1) The Dark Secret (Fear Street: The Cataluna Chronicles, #2) The Deadly Fire (Fear Street: The Cataluna Chronicles, #3)

I love Fear Street, it's one of my favorite series. One Fear Street series I've been really wanting to get to this year is The Cataluna Chronicles! Basically, it's about a haunted car. Lol. But this was another series I didn't get to. Maybe next year!

Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper, #1) Revenge of the Evil Librarian

I've been seeing Stalking Jack the Ripper all over the place, and honestly, it sounds amazing!! Why I haven't picked it up yet, I don't know. Lol. And a little while ago I read Evil Librarian and I really liked it! It was so much fun and I was hoping to finish off the duology this year, but nope. Lol.

The Last Time I Lied Meddling Kids Written in Stone (The Medusa Files, #1)

This year I've been reading more adult books than usual—I'm finally expanding my reading genre! Lol. Anyway, at the beginning of the year I read Riley Sager's Final Girls and it was SO GOOD! I was hoping to read their second novel since I got an ARC, but nope. Again. Lol. And I've heard a lot of good things about Meddling Kids and how it was inspired by Scooby-Doo and YES PLEASE! I will get to it... eventually. Lol. And lastly is a freebie I found on Amazon: The Medusa Files. She is an FBI agent who discovers she has the powers of Medusa! OMG! Two of my favorite things! I also need to read this asap! But it wasn't gonna be this year. Lol.

What books do you wish you'd gotten to this year? Let me know below or leave me a link to your post!

Happy Holidays! 😊


  1. Some of these would be on my list too. Meddling Kids was fun.

    1. Glad to hear that! I've been really looking forward to it!


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