Just like last year, you'll notice a trend here in that most of these books are sequels or from authors I've previously read. What can I say? I like what I like. Lol.

Okay this first one is more of an honorable mention, because I was fortunate enough to get and ARC and, yeah, I've already read it. Lol. Spartan Promise (January 15th 2019) was a great sequel and I am excited for everyone to read it too! And look, I am just super excited for anything Jennifer Estep publishes, okay? Lol. And that includes her new fantasy series, Crown of Shards! Kill the Queen was an amazing beginning to this new series, and I have no doubt Protect the Prince (July 2nd 2019) will also be great!
Next are two Cassie Clare book, The Red Scrolls of Magic (April 2nd 2019) and Chain of Gold (November 19th 2019). Look, I am super behind on the Shadowhunter Chronicles, but that does not make me any less excited for these book! Lol. I haven't done too much research on these two series to avoid spoilers, but I do know that The Red Scrolls of Magic is about Magnus and Alec and just... SO MUCH YES!!! I love them! And I am also excited to go back in time in the TLH series! (Plus, how beautiful is that Chain of Gold cover? 😍) I really need to catch up on this series though. Lol.

Rick Riordan and Rick Riordan Presents! First up, The Tyrant's Tomb (September 24th 2019)... I'm actually also terribly behind on The Trials of Apollo series, but I imagine it's great because literally everything I have read by Rick has been amazing. Lol. And also Apollo is my favorite Greek god 😉 And because I am a huge fan of mythology, I am also very excited for the Korean mythology in Dragon Pearl (January 15th 2019) and Cuban mythology in Sal and Gabi Break the Universe (March 5th 2019)!

Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper is one of my favorite ghostly series! It is SO good and the last book, Monster Museum, ended in a cliffhanger, so I can't wait to get my hands on Fire Devil (February 24th 2019)! Another series I am a huge fan of is the Fear Street series! The first two books in the Return to Fear Street series have been great, so I am very excited for Drop Dead Gorgeous (February 5th 2019)!

And last I have Lock Every Door by Riley Sager (July 2nd 2019). The reason why I am excited for this book is because I read Final Girls by this author and absolutely loved it! It was very thrilling and spooky and had an amazing mystery! I also have his second novel, The Last Time I Lied, and am very excited to read that one too!

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