Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!
So, I've been gone for a while... I have no excuse. Lol. I do have some vacation time coming up in about a week or so, so hopefully I'll be able to catch up on blogging then.
It was my birthday this past Thursday and I got myself a new laptop!

It's purple! I actually haven't started using it yet, so I'm still struggling with my old laptop and the screen that keeps spazzing out! It keeps going gray and you have to adjust the screen just so in order to get the picture back. It's driving me insane!

And it's no one's but my own fault. Lol. I'm gonna boot up my new computer. Anyway, besides that, my birthday was very chill. I had dinner with the family and that's pretty much it. I had to work the next day so I didn't do anything wild. Not that I'd do anything wild otherwise 😉 lol.
And today I worked so that's why this is going up super late. Ugh, I hate working weekends.
What I've been watching:
I'm all caught up on the Arrowverse and I am super excited about the crossover that is starting today!

I also got caught up on The Gifted and omg I love it! I forgot how much I enjoy this series! And I also finally watched Unfriended: The Dark Web and I surprisingly liked it! And I say this because I did not like the first one. But this one was great! It had very real horrors with the dark web and whatnot. Spooky.

I also had a very 90s week and watched MMPR again, plus I watched the Backstreet Boys documentary which was very interesting!

What I've been listening to:
Me watching the Backstreet Boys documentary came about me starting to listen to their music again. Lol. I loved them way back in the day, and I still do now! But guys, the boys still got it! This is their most recent song and it is SOOOO good!
I also listened to a pretty cool horror story. Have you ever heard of Vantablack? It's a color that was discovered recently (or made?) that is darker than black! Anyway, this story is about that and it's pretty creepy!
Nail art of the week:

Some winter-y nails!
Book Haul

All of these are a Christmas gift for my younger cousin. He's a cool kid. Lol.

Yup, more Elemental Assassin 😁

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