Title: Revenant-X
Series: Red Space #2
Previous book in this series: Paradise-1
Author: David Wellington
Genre: Adult, sci-fi, horror
Publication date: November 5th 2024
Published by: Orbit
Source: eARC from publishers via Netgalley
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Synopsis: FEAR THE DARK.
The crew of the Artemis - led by Firewatch agent Alexandra Petrova - have survived the furious onslaught of the Basilisk and broken through the space blockade around Paradise-1. Now they can pursue their original mission and investigate why Earth's first deep space colony has fallen silent.
The answer seems the site is deserted.
Or so they think.
Some of the colonists remain. They're no longer human.
Petrova and her crew now face a desperate struggle to survive as they attempt to uncover the mystery of what has befallen the colony.
If they fail, the darkness that has fallen over Paradise-1 will consume them.
I have been waiting (im)patiently for this book ever since I finished reading Paradise-1 back in 2023. I really enjoyed that book! I loved the blend of horror and sci-fi, but that cliffhanger-ish ending was brutal! I was so excited to continue the story and Revenant-X did not disappoint!