Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Post #385: So Many Surprises

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

We survived the frigid temperatures! But just barely. Lol. We had two snow days because the roads were so bad and covered in ice. And this coming week it's not supposed to be as cold, but we are getting snow 😩 Man, I hate driving in snow. But aside from that, not much has been going on.

What I've been playing:

I've been playing a lot of my Super Sim save file this last week, it's honestly my favorite! Here she is celebrating Winterfest with her family... when suddenly she goes into labor with her second child 😂 Oops. Lol.

At this point in the gameplay, her first child is now a teenager, and her second just aged up to a child. And then I decided they should have another kid 🫠 Mostly because it's needed for one of her Aspirations (even though it has mistakenly marked that task done even though it's not! The Sims, I swear lol). So anyway, I was playing through that today (and by today I mean Saturday lol), and the moment I got the Going Into Labor pop-up I saved the game and exited so I could go finish their new house because they outgrew that one ☝️ I then decided to temporarily place two of their pets in another household. You're only allowed to have 8 Sims total in any household (unless you use mods, which I am not at this time), and I was already maxed out with 4 Sims and 4 pets. I had put one of their pets in another household in order for her to be able to get pregnant, and then I took another of their pets and put it in the same household because I was like, "Hey, what if she has twins!" You know, just for funsies. She's a Super Sim, so the goal is for her to complete all the aspirations, max out all the skills, and acquire all the traits, so a while ago I bought the Fertile trait from the Rewards Store that gives Sims a higher chance of multiples. Well, she's had two singles so far and I didn't think she would have twins this time either BUT...

She freaking had twins 😭🙃 I did this to myself by moving out two pets instead of just one 😭 Thank god her husband is a vampire and needs no sleep 😂 From my Alien Takeover Challenge I know how difficult twins are, so I'm glad she has him. Plus her teenage daughter can help too! 😆 This part of this challenge has made me realize that I'm not much into family gameplay... at least not in this save file. I cannot wait for all these kids to grow up and get out of the house!! 😆 But my Super Sim has 3 family aspirations that she needs to complete first! I cannot wait till she finishes them because dealing with so many Sims at once is HARD! Lol. (But if I'm being honest, it's the chaos of the game that I love so much 😆)

Nail art of the week:


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#351: Rare Fantasy Binge?

Most Read Authors (as of 2024)
Top Authors I Own the Most Books From (as of 2024)!

Book Haul

For Review:

Ahh! I've been waiting for this book ever since I heard of it! I actually requested this on Netgalley a couple months ago and honestly, at this point, I was thinking I wasn't going to be accepted, but I just was this past week! Thank you so much Tor Nightfire! I just started it a couple days ago and I am just so excited to finally have it, especially since I loved this author's debut from last year!

Library Loot:

I got the second book in the Shadow and Bones series... I'm all out of order here 😅 I read the Six of Crows duology first and now I'm going back to this one. Lol. I put Shadow and Bone on hold at the library too but I haven't received it yet, so hopefully I'll get it soon! And I'm actually going to the library today to pick up some more books, but they don't open till late today, like at 1pm, so I'll share the books I get today next week! 

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

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