Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday Post #396: Where did the week go?

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Where has this week gone? I was on break and I feel like I got nothing done 😆 I'm not gonna lie though, I have missed the kids and I'm looking forward to seeing them all again on Monday. And I hope they don't make me eat my words because they were pretty unbearable before we went on Spring break. Lol. But this week was pretty relaxing. I got some cleaning done, wrote some reviews, and I think I left the house only once? 😂 I'm busy this weekend though with birthday parties. Listen, I'm an introvert and borderline hermit, so this is me doing a lot 😆

What I've been watching:

This week I watched Thanksgiving and M3GAN. Thanksgiving was... fine. I know a lot of people liked it, and while it did have some pretty cool kills, I didn't love it. It's hard to like it when the characters are unlikable. Which is pretty on par for a horror movie. Lol. M3GAN I liked though! It was creepy and there was some heartfelt commentary on family, which I liked.

What I've been listening to:

"This Pluto tape is about a toxic person that was in your life, and thinking back on it realizing how bad it truly was." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

Shockingly, I did not play ANY Sims this week! I know, I'm surprised too! 😆 I had not used my Switch in a while and I just felt like playing some games on it. The first one I got back into was Thief Simulator. I have not played this game in MONTHS so getting a hang of the controls at first was tough. Lol.

As you can see, I got an F on the first job, but on the second job, I got an S! Lol. Then, I also played some Kirby. I'm actually done with the game, but now I'm playing the... epilogue? Idk, what do you call it? No clue, but I'm playing what comes after finishing the main game. Lol.

And then I also got back into Power Wash Simulator (I really like simulator games apparently lol) which is a game I love, but a game I have also not played in months. Because I was so busy obsessively playing The Sims 4 lol, I didn't realize there had been some free updates! I did the Santa's Workshop (yeah, in April 😂) and that was fun!

And there are a couple other locations I need to do! And apparently, I started the Excavator one but never finished it? I have no memory of this 😂 Anyway, I'm looking forward to playing more of this game.


Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#362: This Makes Me Happy
March 2024

2024 Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag

Ongoing giveaway:

Book Haul

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. Good luck at your week back! I hope things are good and the kids aren't crazy, but we are on that last bit of school and it only seems to get crazier in my life, lol. I never watched Thanksgiving, I'll probably wait till November to try to watch it. Hope your first week back is good!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Thank you! Yeah, the end of the school year always seems crazy. Not looking forward to that. Lol.

      Yes! Thanksgiving is a good Holiday movie to watch! There aren't that many Thanksgiving horror movies out there.
