Title: The Fear Street Saga
Series: The Fear Street Saga | Fear Street Collector's Edition
Books in this omnibus: The Betrayal (#1) | The Secret (#2) | The Burning (#3)
Author: R.L. Stine
Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller, historical
Publication date: November 1996
Published by: Archway Paperback
Source: Purchased paperback
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Fear Street is cursed.
It’s been that way for hundreds of years. Unspeakable horrors haunt those who’ve walked on its terrifying path. And it all started with one family—the Fears.
Go back to how it all began and discover the dark family secrets buried underneath years of terror, from who sentenced an innocent woman to burn at the stake, to why the Fear mansion caught on fire, and how forbidden love, a bloody feud, and dark magic unleashed the curse that has lasted for far too long.
And how Fear Street became the evil place it is today.
This series is told as if Nora Goode is writing it—we get three stories in each book with some interludes from Nora as she tells the story of the Fears and the Goodes. This is literally what I remember from reading this series way back in the day: just Nora sitting at a desk writing by candlelight. Ah, the nostalgia.

The Betrayal (#1)
This book starts off with the witch trials in Massachusetts! This was pretty cool to me because this sort of stuff has always fascinated me. I really enjoyed that aspect of this. And of course it was the Fears (or as they were known back then, Fier) who were the prosecutors sentencing all these people to burn at the stake for “witchcraft.” But this is exactly how the whole Fear curse starts. Then Fiers moving away with Edward being all grown up, married and with a child. Edward’s uncle, Matthew, now has teenage daughter, Mary. William, Susannah’s father, decides to track them to exact his revenge. Then we fast forward to Ezra, Edward’s now-all-grown-up kid, who's seeking revenge for all of the tragedy that befell his family.
I absolutely loved this book! It was amazing! It’s probably one of best Fear Street books I have read (even though there is no Fear Street at this point as the Fears/Fiers have not migrated to Shadyside quite yet). My favorite story was probably the first one with Susannah. So much death—graphic death. But that’s what I like about these books! It had such amazing descriptions!

The Secret (#2)
The first story starts off with Ezra Fier, who has his own family now, as he continues to search for the Goodes to exact his revenge on them. I never liked Ezra. In the last book he was mostly just a kid, but he was such a brat—I seriously hated that kid. And he wasn’t much better as an adult either. I really liked his son Jonathan though! In this first story he was only 12 years old... and had more sense than a grown ass man. Ezra treated Jonathan so awful—he was just the worst!
Then we fast forward a couple of years. Jonathan, who is now a teenager, and his family have moved on... not from the vengeance, just from the death town. Again, I loved Jonathan in this story too! He was just the most sane character, especially when it comes to the Fiers. Jonathan buries the Fier amulet and apparently that pauses the curse for 100 years. Jonathan is just the best! He didn’t want more vengeance and death. And it worked... for a while... Until 100 years later when Elizabeth Fier finds a pretty amulet buried under a dead apple tree.
I really enjoyed this book too! This trilogy is like reading one long story. It’s pretty cool. My favorite story in this book was the first story, but I also liked the third one with Elizabeth and Simon Fier and Franklin Goode. Just, so much craziness! And I love it!

The Burning (#3)
This book starts off with the story of how Simon Fear and how he met the love of his life. Angelica is actually already being courted by two guys, but Simon will do whatever it takes to win her over. Even kill.
The second story continues to follow Simon and Angelica Fear as they settle in Shadyside (finally), and can I just say, this family is just super messed up! Like, even more than I previously thought!
And the final story is about Simon Fear’s grandson, Daniel, falling in love with a Goode, Nora. Yep, the one we’ve been seeing writing this story. We’ve finally gotten to her.
After reading this, I really wish there was a Goode side to this. Yeah the street may be called Fear Street, but the Goodes also have to do with said curse. I really wish they were more prominent in the Fear Street series.
I really loved this! I loved all stories and we finally got to see Nora’s story, the one we were teased with since book one. The deaths in this were really... yikes! But they were also kinda cool. Lol. R.L. Stine just writes really awesome descriptions. Like, seriously gory. Lol. So much tragedy and death... I loved this trilogy! It probably has some of the best Fear Street books ever!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

Sounds amazing! I'm so excited to read it.
ReplyDeleteIt is! It's some of the best Fear Street books in my opinion!