It's late, but it's here! 😅 Last month was just not a great month for me—it was very stressful. I was working nights AND there was work being done around the house (our flooring was finally put in!) and I think I just needed a break. During that time, I barely read anything and my nails were naked for like 2 weeks straight 😱 The horror! Lol. In all seriousness though, I feel like not doing those two things really affected me more than I thought it would. I mean, I was stressed AND was probably not getting enough sleep, and then unintentionally taking away the two things I use to de-stress? Yeah, not great.
That being said, I am back on the reading train (I'm currently on my 5th book of the month!), and I've been painting my nails a lot more, which is very therapeutic for me. I've run out of scheduled posts, as you may have noticed, so I really need to work on that. But idk when I'll get around to it. I'm still getting used to not only being back on days, but also working full time. For the longest time, I was only working 4 days a week, and I'm not gonna lie, I miss my 3 day weekends 😂