Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday the 13th Book Tag

Ah! I'm so excited about this tag! I love horror movies, and this one is all about the Friday the 13th franchise!

I found this tag over at and it was created by Matt Wall Poetry & Publishing on YouTube.

A book where the mother is the villain.

On my first pass of the questions, I thought this one was going to be hard. BUT THEN I remembered Dierdre... Ugh! She was terrible! My poor Finn 😭 He didn't deserve a mother like her!

A book in the backwoods.

In this book, a couple of teens go camping... but this is a Fear Street book so things immediately go bad... It was great! 😆

A book with a masked character.

I mean, this graphic novel was heavily inspired by Friday the 13th 😆 It was good though! I really enjoyed it!

A book with the best final chapter.

This series was just fine, but I LOVED the end! One of the characters I didn't like got his just desserts and it was just SO satisfying 😆

A series that changes its protagonist from the first book.


Most Fear Street books do this. These are two series I read this year that did this.

A book with someone or something resurrected from death.

I was gonna try to not include so much Fear Street, but I am clearly failing 😆 In this book two girls accidentally stumble upon a formula that brings things back from the dead... and then things go bad. Lol.

A book with a character with telekinesis.

Kyrion 😍 I love this series so much! I mean, I love all Jennifer Estep books in general, but I've been on a sci-fi kick lately and this series is just so good!

A book that takes place in New York.

This is another series I love! The son of an infamous serial killer hunting serial killers? Yes, please! This book takes place in New York, where a serial killer is playing a really twisted game and Jazz is determined to find and stop them. It was so good!

A book that takes place in Hell or has something to do with the occult.

This one doesn't really take place in Hell, per se, but it takes place in the Japanese underworld, which is more or less the equivalent. The mythology in this book was great!

A book that takes place in space.

This book was SO good! It's a sci-fi horror about a crew that sets out to investigate why the colony on the planet Paradise-1 has stopped responding, and boy do they find out 😬

A book that has characters from different franchises/mash up.

THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING! It's a crossover between Gin from Elemental Assassin and Gwen Frost from Mythos Academy and they kicked ass together and it was so good! I cannot get over it!

A book that is a retelling

I gotta go with this one. This series is probably my favorite fairy tale retelling! It's just so good!

A book that you found in a thrift or antique shop.

All of my Fear Street books are pretty much thrifted. Lol.

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Great tag lots of new books to me here I don't know if I'd be able to answer all the questions with a book I've read!

    1. Some of the questions were quite difficult... took a lot of thinking and searching through my books lol
