Title: Fear Park
Series: Fear Park | Fear Street Collector's Editions
Books in this omnibus: The First Scream | The Loudest Scream | The Last Scream
Author: R.L. Stine
Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller
Publication date: November 1998
Published by: Archway Paperback
Source: Purchased paperback
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The First Scream: Dierdre Bradley's father just opened an amusement park on Fear Street, and the screams of joy will soon change to screams of terror.
The Loudest Scream: Dierdre doesn't know that her new boyfriend, Robin Fear, has a plan to destroy Fear Park. A plan that may cost Dierdre her life.
The Last Scream: Robin has almost achieved his dream of destroying Fear Park. But he doesn't know that someone has been watching him -- and waiting for revenge.