Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cake Flavored Book Tag!

With Thanksgiving coming up, I thought I'd be fun to do a food-y book tag! I saw this one over at a GREAT read and It was created by Paperfury!

Chocolate Cake
A Dark Book You Loved

The Space Between

The Space Between was beautiful and dark and it made me cry, but I loved it!

Vanilla Cake
A Favorite Light Read

It's a Mall World After All

It's A Mall World After All is a contemporary and I loved it. Yup, me loving a contemporary book, who would've thought? Lol. But it was just so much fun and cute and it made me laugh nonstop! I love Janette Rallison books!

Red Velvet
A Book That Gave You Mixed Emotions

The Diviners (The Diviners, #1)

The Diviners was weird in that I didn’t like it... but I did? The beginning dragged, the characters were meh—I actually wasn't a fan of the main character Evie, BUT I had withdrawals after finishing this book! Why? I really loved the world! I've been on the fence on whether I should continue on with this series, but I've been told it gets better and better, so I may give it another shot!

A Book You Recommend to Everyone

Touch of Frost (Mythos Academy, #1)

Jennifer Estep is my absolute favorite author—I literally love everything she writes! Touch of Frost is the book that first introduced me to her writing, so I recommend it to everyone! Lol.

Coffee Cake
A Book You Started but Never Finished

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer

This book sounded really interesting to me and I was excited to get a start on it, but once I did I found it really easy to put down because things weren't really happening, so I just never picked it back up. (But also I had borrowed it from the library and I just had to return it 😅) Would I give it another shot? If I'm in the mood, yes!

Carrot Cake
A Book with Great Writing

Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1)

I read this YEARS ago, but the thing that always stuck with me is the beautiful writing! I've actually only read the first book, so I need to get caught up on this series 😅

A Book That Left You Wanting More

Blackheath Resurrection  (The Blackheath Witches, #2)

I've recently read this book and... I just want more! I'm not sure whether there is going to be more or not (I saw somewhere that this was a duology), but there were some things left unanswered there at the end and it just didn't feel like this was the end of the story. Also, I really like these characters and the world, so there's that 😉 Lol.

Series with 4 or More Books

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2) Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3) Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, #4)

My new favorite series of all time! I adore The Lunar Chronicles!

Fruit Cake
A Book That Wasn’t What You Anticipated

Stalking Jack the Ripper

I was beyond excited to read this book because it is just right up my alley! I mean, it's a book about the most infamous serial killer of all time! How cool is that? But it just didn't live up to my expectation and it makes me so sad 😩 I thought it was gonna be this intense thriller, but in reality there was barely any action! And the mystery was totally predictable 😩

Let me know which book you recommend to everyone! I'm always looking for my new favorite read!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. I still need to read the Shatter Me series---I actually own the books, but I haven't gotten to them. Love The Lunar Chronicles too!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. From what I remember, Shatter Me is absolutely amazing! But oddly enough, I've heard mixed things about the rest of the series. I do want to read it though.


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