Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2024

It's been rough around here. I still feel like I'm in this weird reading slump, but I have found that the only thing my mood can tolerate right now is graphic novels, comic books, and manga, so that's what I've been reading. I read 8 books, which sounds impressive, but it's really not. Lol. That's a total of 1428 pages, which is about 400 pages more than the previous month, but it is still on the lower side of my pages read per month this year.
  • 1 was a collection of short stories, 4 were manga, and 3 comic books
  • All 8 were part of a series
  • I started 1 series but finished 2! Yay!
  • All 8 were finished copies, no ARCs this month (though technically I do have 2 on my Currently Reading shelf, but I haven't finished either because slump... still 🙃)
  • 3 were physical books and 5 ebooks
  • 2 were 5-star books, 5 were 4-star books, and 1 was a 3-star book
  • All 8 were traditionally published
  • 1 was by a new-to-me author and 7 were by authors I've previously read
  • 3 were adult books, 4 YA, and 1 middle grade book
  • All 8 were fiction books
  • 4 were urban fantasy and 4 were medical science-y

Books read this month:

I started the month with some more Percy Jackson. As the title suggests, it's literally a guide to Camp Half-Blood. At the camp, Apollo made this godawful (lol) orientation video, so because the campers didn't want to put anyone else through that, they made this guide! And it was fun! It gives you a sort of tour of the camp and activities you can do and all that sort of stuff. And one thing I really enjoyed was that we got to see some familiar faces. It was just fun all around!

And after that, I continued on and finished the Cells at Work! manga series. I love this series so much! It's cute but action-packed, informative but entertaining... It was just such a good series!

And then I finished off the month reading the Five Ghosts comic series. I really liked this as well. I liked the premise and the story, and the magic and world were really interesting.

Favorite books of the month:

This series was just so cute and fun. But I already knew I was going to like it because I had seen the anime a little while back. Lol.

Least favorite book of the month:

While I liked this series for the most part, this volume kinda had a little bit of Second Book Syndrome going on. I feel like not a lot happened to move the overall series plot forward.

Books reviewed this month:

Outlaw Rising (Parse Galaxy #0.5) by Kate Sheeran Swed | ★★★☆☆
Behind the Horror: True Stories That Inspired Horror Movies by Lee Mellor | ★★★★☆
Vampiric Vacation (Sinister Summer #2) by Kiersten White | ★★★★☆

Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte | ★★★★☆
League of Liars by Astrid Scholte | ★★★★★
The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte | ★★★☆☆

Other posts:

June 2024
2024 Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

Top 10 Favorite Books of 2024 (So Far)
Top 10 Most Anticipated Books of the Last Half of 2024

#32: It's Been Rough
The Olympic Book Tag

#33: I'm Counting This

Let me know what your favorite read this month was and what you are looking forward to reading next month!

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