Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Post #409: Halfway There...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Week two of summer school is done! Just two more weeks to go! Summer school isn't that bad though. These kids aren't as chaotic, probably because they don't all know each other. Lol. And it also helps that it's only half days. Lol.

Anyway, here's some cute stuff I got from Miniso when I was out of town a couple weeks ago... I finally got pictures. I was sick last week so I couldn't be bothered to take pictures of anything. Lol.

It's mostly skincare and snacks. Lol. And from Colourpop I got some fun makeup! I don't wear a lot of makeup these days, but these are some I've been wanting to get. I got some lip balms, a blush, a Twilight highlighter called Vampire Skin 😆 And I got some multichrome eyeliners that I am very excited to use!

I also got some super cute Japanese pens. These write SO well! I've already given some away to my brothers because I have so many. Lol.

And I'm just now realizing that I still haven't shared my new hair color yet 😅 Okay, today I'm washing my hair, and I'll style it and take a picture. I swear! Lol.

What I've been playing:

I'm still having a lot of fun playing the Every Occult/Mystical Motherhood challenge. This past week I spent A LOT of time looking at and downloading custom content. I have an addiction to CC 😅 But it makes my Sims look so much better! Look at my vampire! She's gorgeously creepy!

The tail is kinda ridiculously long, but this is exactly what I wanted for this Sim! And I found it on accident! I'm naming all of my occults after Greek gods and monsters, and my vampire's name is Lamia, who in Ancient Greece was this vampire-like monster that had a snake tail. I also decided to give her red her in honor of Lamia's sisters the Empousai, who were also vampire-like, but they instead had flaming hair and one leg of a donkey and one leg made of brass. Anyway, most of this Sim is CC hair to tail. Lol. Except for the scars, those are actually in-game. Lol.

Here is a cute moment between my werewolf Sim and my Sim who will eventually be a ghost. The little one, Melinoe, just aged up to a teen and I gave her a makeover yesterday and she looks SO good! Melinoe was the goddess of ghosts, and one half of her body was pitch black and the other white. It was SO hard to find CC to match this, but again, I found it on accident when I was looking for alien CC! Lol. It worked out for me though. Maybe later on once I have all my main occult Sims I'll take some screenshots of them all because I just love how they're all looking. Plus I just love Greek mythology and naming them and making them look like Greek gods/monsters has been so much fun for me!

This made me laugh. My werewolf Sim eats raw meat and I put it in the fridge for him so it doesn't go back. But sometimes when I click the fridge so my other sims can get leftovers, the idiots go and grab the raw meat and then they get mad about it 😂 There's perfectly good people food in there, why would they choose to go for this?! Lol. (But also, the Gordon Ramsey reference 🤣)

And coming back to my vampire sim... she has the evil trait and when she was a teenager she killed this sim who is a ghost now, obviously. Lol. But here she is attempting a flirty introduction with her?! Girl, what is wrong with you?! I know you're evil, but damn. Lol.

Aside from CC shopping (which is free), I also ended up buying two more packs and I preordered the new pack coming out later this month 🥲 The Sims 4 base game may be free, but with all those DLC, I always say that it is the most expensive free game I have ever bought. Lol. In the little time I've been playing this game, I have learned that if I want a pack, I should wait for it to go on sale because luckily, there's ALWAYS sales going on for the packs. Lol.


Posts from this week:

#374: Another Re-read?

June 2024
2024 Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

Book Haul

Library Loot:

A bunch of stuff from the library that I probably won't be reading any time soon... except for the manga. I think my slump will allow for that. Lol.

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I wish our summer school had only been half a day. It was the normal time of a normal school day since high school students need certain numbers of hours to get a credit. Oh well. Your Sims stories make me more and more want to get a laptop just for that! I even thought about going to the sale/clearance room at Nebraska Furniture Mart this past weekend just to maybe find a cheap laptop I could play it on! Lol. I did find a new Switch game to play called Palia, and I'm letting myself use that for now as a substitute. Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I have heard good things about Palia! I have not played though. I hope you're enjoying it!
