Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Olympic Book Tag

I saw this tag over at a GREAT read and I thought it was a very timely tag to do right now. Lol. I guess the Opening Ceremonies started yesterday? Idk. Lol. I'm not gonna lie, I don't really follow the Olympics because I don't sports...

BUT I do know that they were started back in Ancient Greek times to maybe possibly honor Zeus... I'm actually not sure, but I like Greek mythology, so! Lol. Anyway, this fun tag was created by Shannon at It Starts at Midnight, and I did borrow the images below from her because I thought they were very cute!

I was SO excited for this novella when it came out last year because it's a crossover between two of Jennifer Estep's series, so you bet I was hooked from page one! It was SO good!

This one was hard because I don't think I've actually read a road trip book? I mean, to me, I feel like a road trip implies fun, vacation-y things while on the road, you know? And I just don't read that. A lot of the books I read have quests, like the Percy Jackson books, but I don't think I would call those a road trip. Lol. The closest I came up with is The Red Scrolls of Magic because Alec and Magnus are on vacation traveling across Europe. And Alec did drive a car at one point... he was very terrible at it, but it happened! 😂

I hate love triangles so I personally don't think any love triangle is good 😆 That being said, I remember not minding the one in this series. It didn't happen in this first book, but the way the romance shifted from one love interest to another was so well done! Of course, I read this series like 10 years ago, so who knows what I would think of it now. Lol.

This is a retelling of The Odyssey but with Aztec mythology and Mexican folklore! It was SO good! I really enjoyed it!


I loved the premise of this duology, but I just didn't end up loving it. I'm a little surprised at how highly rated these books are. Though to be fair, I didn't hate them. I did give the first book four stars, but I gave the second one three. So they weren't bad, but I do wish they'd been better.

This is one of my favorite Fear Street books! Lately, I've been thinking I want to re-read one of these summery Fear Street books 👀

This was an easy pick for me because Jennifer Estep writes the BEST action sequences!! And if it's fighting and bloodshed you want, Gin Blanco is your girl. She's an assassin and I love her 🥰 Lol.

This book definitely had a lot of plot twists. Were all those plot twists good? No, absolutely not. The last half of this book was unexpected, but not in a good way.

I read and watch a lot of spooky things and I have found that it is very hard for something like that to scare me. This book, however, while it didn't scare me, per se, it did have some pretty horrific things... which I loved! 😆 This was such a good sci-fi horror! I cannot wait for the sequel to come out later this year!


I don't read deep books. I read books with demons and monsters and the occasional serial killer. Lol. This year I did read two memoirs and I feel like those types of books get pretty deep. I mean, these people are literally baring their souls for everyone to see. All their struggles and hardships, it's all out there for the world to read. They were hard to read at some points, but they were overall really good books.

I knew this was going to be a Fear Street book. Lol. The Betrayal is only 161 pages and it is the first book in a trilogy, a trilogy that is my absolute favorite Fear Street series! It is SO good! It goes into the history of the Fear family, their dark magic, and the curse that follows them. Even though the books are short, they cover a lot of history! I love them!

As for the longest book I've read, I also knew it was going to be a Cassie Clare book. Lol. This one is 893 pages long and it is the longest book I own!

I saw the ending of this book coming, it was the only possible ending that would make sense, but it still made me cry. I was a MESS! 😭

I love Julia Huni's books! They are so fun and full of adventure! And while this series also has adventure, they are a lot slower-paced than her other books. I felt like they were more character-driven, which isn't a bad thing but I just wasn't expecting it. But once I readjusted my expectations (because I prefer a plot-driven, action-packed book 😅), I really started to enjoy myself more while reading these books.

I started reading these books when I was in middle school, and I still love them to this day! The Prom Queen is actually one of the first Fear Street books I read, so I am extremely excited about the movie they are currently working on that is based on this book! I cannot wait!

Well, since this is the equestrian category, I feel like I should pick a book with horses, so Blackjack the pegasus it is! We love Blackjack 😌

This was my first (and only... so far) DNF of the year. It was boring and went off into irrelevant tangents that bored me to tears. I just couldn't do it. Which is a shame because I liked the premise.

The friendships are one of my favorite things in this series! Especially because friendship is basically what saved the world in this book! Lol. The way the seven were able to work together and heal the rift between the Greeks and the Romans... I loved that 🥰

I could not think of a book that took me around the world. I feel like The Heroes of Olympus series did that because they went up and down North America then headed to Italy and Greece... but that happened across the series. In The Lost Book of the White, Malec and the gang head to Shanghai and then to a demon world... does that count? Lol. I think it does. Especially because we got a couple of POVs from back home in New York where Maryse was babysitting baby Max. That was fun. Lol.

Jennifer Estep books never disappoint. Especially the ones in her sci-fi series 😌

You know those horror movie endings where you think the characters are safe but then, OH NO! Jason has suddenly burst from the lake and killed the campers in the canoe! Ah! This book had that type of ending and I loved it!! 😆 The just desserts the character got... it was SO good!

Alec with his archery, of course. And even Simon picks it up as well!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. YAY I am so glad you did this! I think I shall add a few new sports, change it up a bit for next time! Totally agree with you about Warcross- it just was okay to me- I still haven't read the sequel, whoops! Sad that Dead Space was a DNF- I have that one, but have heard similar things, sadly. Also agree about Paradise-1, cannot wait for the next one. Also wowww 893 pages!? Could have been two books at that point 😂

    1. Oooh yesss! More sports would be fun! I know, I was so sad about Dead Space too! Cassandra Clare's books tend to be long but an almost 900 page book is wild! Lol.
