It's been a rough week, ya'll. And I don't think I want to get into it too much because I'm just so emotionally exhausted. But there is one big thing that happened in the US this past week, as we all sure know, and I am terrified. I am a woman and a minority so of course I'm worried. I wish I could be one of those people who are completely fine with the results saying, "Oh it's going to be okay." No, that's a lie. I don't want to be one of those people. I don't have the luxury to think that way, nor would I want to think that way. Imagine trading basic human rights for cheaper eggs and gas 🙃 Couldn't be me. And if the things I'm saying upset you, feel free to leave. I don't need that type of negativity around here anyway. If things go quiet around here this is why. Because I need a mental health break. I'll try not to go complete radio silent because I think the distraction of this blog will be good for me. But no promises.
On top of that, my patient's insurance is threatening to take away all of her nursing hours, which she doesn't even have that many of! She only gets 8 hours a day of private duty nursing which her night nurse uses. I get paid by the school district to go to school with her, so you'd think that at least those hours would be fine. But the letter that her mom showed me that she got from the case manager was talking about discharge??? Like?? We haven't talked about this! No one has told me! And while yes my patient is very stable, she still has a tracheostomy that helps her breathe! Anyway, I passed on the information to my supervisor and guess what, even SHE didn't know about this! So yeah, I don't know what's happening. No one knows what's happening. Insurance in the US is a fucking joke and I just can't.
I'm just trying to take it a day at a time, but I am so tired and dismayed. It's even been hard to read a book. One tiny little ray of sunshine in all this is that I live in a blue state, in Washington, so I am very grateful for that. I just hope He Who Shall Not Be Named keeps his grubby, tiny, orange hands out of my state. Back in 2020 when things were bad, and this may sound silly, but there was one Fall Out Boy lyric that gave me hope and helped me get through those hard times. I'm trying to hold onto those words again right now because while the darkness may be getting bigger, it WILL get better... eventually.
So because of everything that's been going on you know what I've felt like watching? Captain America punching nazis in the face 🤗 I've been meaning to catch up on the MCU because I haven't see anything since the last Thor movie, so I thought this was the perfect time for a rewatch and catch-up.
I've only watched these first three this week, but The First Avenger is up next and I am SO excited! Captain America is my favorite superhero, and I really need some Captain America in my life right now 😭 But I really enjoyed watching these other movies as well, they are just really fun! And Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man is just gold!
Another distration I've been clinging to like a life preserver is, of course, playing my silly little Sims game. Lol. I did the Black Widow challenge last year and it was SO much fun! So with the new expansion packs Lovestruck (all about love) and Life & Death (all about death lol) I thought it would be fun to do it again! So I gave my original Black Widow a daughter and Miss Natalie will be following in her mother's footsteps. Lol. Here is her first marriage:

She married Mortimer Goth and his ex-wife was not happy about it 😂 And then we promptly killed him, of course 😆 A killer rabbit did him in. Poor guy. Lol. And a new feature with the Life & Death pack is that you can have funerals now! So I had my very first funeral and it was fun! Wait, that's morbid. Lol.

But look at this girl being dramatic! I love it! 😂 Oh, is that her awkwardly comforting her dead husband's ex-wife? Yep. She sure is 😂 I love this game.

But anyway, she's a Black Widow so she's good at moving on fast. Lol. So below you'll see she's on this really nice date on a rooftop lounge... with someone who is NOT her fiance btw. Fast forward a couple hours later that same day and she's getting married to her actual fiance! 😱 The drama! 😂

And here is her new wife mourning her dead husband 😬 Talk about awkward 😂 Also, the self-awareness of this game is hilarious. Lol.

I also finally finished the house for my Legacy family, so I played a little bit of that. I only played enough for my Sim to give birth to twins. Lol. But look at her husband freaking out 😂 I love this game. Lol.

On the Blog

I can't even imagine what people are going through right now and how terrified they feel not knowing what tomorrow brings. I hope you feel emotionaly better soon and that at least these hobbies bring you some joy in these trying times ❤️
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, I too believe looking at Tony Stark is beneficial for one's mental health 😂😍
Thank you 💜 It's been tough, but I am holding on to the small bouts of happiness I find.
Delete😂😂 RDJ is great! He is such a good actor! Definitely made me feel better watching him. Lol.