Wednesday, January 2, 2019

My Year in Books: 2018

 Year in Books

It's that time again to look back at my year in books thanks to a handy tool from Goodreads! I seriously love this thing. Lol.

First of all, I reached my goal! Yay!

This year I read 20 more books than last year and (apparently) 18.5k pages across those 75 books!

The shortest book I read was actually a novella with two short stories, which was also the last thing I read in 2018! (It was the end of the year and I was scrambling to finish my reading goal and these 19 pages helped. Lol.) And the longest book I read (which was also one of the best books I read this year), Clockwork Princess! 💗

More Shadowhunters! I love CoB, and millions of other people do too! Lol. But Mellow Summers is once again the least popular book I read this year, which is a shame because I love these cozy mysteries!

And that's it! Let me know if you achieved your 2018 reading goals!


  1. I know I'm really late to this, but I still thought I'd come by to take a peek at how your 2018 reading went. Looks like you had a great year! Hope 2019 is going just as well. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Well, thank you for stopping by either way 🤗


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