Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sunday Post #438: How Is It Still January?

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I feel like this month has been 5 years long already 😭 And it didn't help that this week was stressful at work AND in the world in general. Ugh. I hate it here.

If you noticed that I didn't post much this week, that's why. Lol. I might get back into it this week, but idk. We'll see.

What I've been watching:

This week I got caught up on The Rookie and 911 Lone Star. And then I started rewatching Criminal Minds and I am honestly having the best time 😆 This is just what I needed... a show where criminals get exactly what they deserve 😌

I actually need to catch up on season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution, but I think I'll do that after my rewatch... maybe. I might end up watching it before then. The original show is 15 seasons long 😅

What I've been listening to:

"This song is about finding euphoria during chaos and destruction, which is pretty much the world right now." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

I didn't play a lot of the Sims this week because I was just so stressed I couldn't even focus on that, but I did play some last Sunday, and this weekend too. In my Legacy challenge, my Sim who is a detective was just doing her job when suddenly one of her good friends beats the crap out of her! It was shocking but SO funny! 😂 She ended up giving her friend a citation and the friend was flabbergasted 😂 (Also, peep the guy in the background being all judgy lol).


Meanwhile, her sister, a doctor, is kinda terrible at her job, and not because she removed some poor Sim's heart 😂 In my defense, this career is kinda difficult because I don't have the symptoms of the diseases memorized so she may have gotten some diagonses and treatments wrong 😅 That surgery below? Turns out it was completely unnecessary 😭😂😂

Switching over to my save file where I've been doing the Rewards Events, I first dropped in on my Holiday Rewards Event family where my main Sim is on the right knitting. Her husband is sitting down on the far left talking to a friend. That guy in the middle in front of the door? He was some guy she dated briefly. Awkward 😅😂  And then this pop up from Brianna made me laugh because Alvin is her HUSBAND! 😂 Of course you think he's great 😂 (He's the guy standing up up on the far left of the left screenshort).


And then moving over to Brianna's family, in that same save file, we have her 'cool' husband reading their youngest kid to sleep while their dog naps nearby 🥹 So cute! And then the eldest daughter who was reincarnated, aged up into a teen so she is now able to do all these cool things in regards to her past life! For example, that's her urn from her past life 👀 I also gave her a makeover after she aged up and she turned out so cute! Forgot to take a screenshot, but maybe next time. Lol.


And switching over again to my Super Sim save file, a couple weeks ago I ended up moving my Super Sim and her entire family to a whole new save file because the one I was playing in was so glitchy that it was unplayable. It made me so sad because this was one of my favorite save files to play in 😭 And it was a whole thing too! I had to download a mod (MC Command Center) in order to cheat some relationship back, and it was just a tedious process. And another thing that was tedious was trying to get my Super Sim and her husband to rebirth!

Her husband was actually pretty easy to do. And here he is as a baby reincarnated into the Goth family because that family is iconic. Lol.


But my Super Sim was so much harder to do! It kept gltiching and not letting me do the rebirth thing until I looked it up and it turns out that there's a bug where if your Sim has certain traits, the rebirth just gltiches. It's such an annoying bug especially considering that my Super Sim has a million traits because she is a SUPER Sim 😭😂 Anyway, once I realized that that was the issue I removed the trait using cheats and I was able to do the rebirth!


For her, I ended up rebirthing her to her daughter, so now her daughter is her mother in this life... it's gonna be confusing especially considering that I kept her same name... but reincarnation! Lol. Anyway, here this cute screenshot of my Super Sim infant falling asleep next to her former cat Salem that she had given to her daughter and now it's her cat again? Idk. Like I said, it's confusing, but it's also cute! Lol.

Omg this is her daugher/now mother 👀😂 In one of my many rounds of trying to rebirth my Super Sim, I visited her daughter and this is what she was wearing 😭 It is SOOOO suspicious, especially with the money thought bubble 😭😂😂 I didn't do it, I swear! It's an autogenerated outfit and it is pretty bad 😂 

Anyway, right now I'm working on building my Super Sim a penthouse. I gave Laurel, the daughter/now mother of my Super Sim, a makeover (not because of the above picture buuuut 👀😂) taking into account her traits so she's now a more classy, business womane (also forgot to take a screenshot, maybe next time 😅). I'm also gonna give her a fancy penthouse in the city and I'm also going to give her a different career. I'm SO excited to finally be playing with my Super Sim again! I have really missed it! I do have to basically start over, but I'm not too torn up about it because I get to do all the child/teen aspiration that I never got to do with her because when I started out this challenge, I had made my Super Sim a young adult. (This is the Super Sim Challenge.)

On the Blog

Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#403: Full Speed to a Crash Landing

Book Haul

Library Loot:

I loved the first book so I am very excited to read this one!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. I know I sound like a broken record, but I just love reading about all of your Sims! So share as much as you want of that! Yeah, I'm ready for January to be over, not because it's been horrible, I mean I got an extra week of holiday break thanks to the snow, lol. But I'm ready to move on with this year and get closer to my Disney cruise with my family in July. Have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature</a.

    1. I'm glad someone gets enjoyment out of my ramblings 😅😂 Yeah, January was not a great month. But that is SO cool that you have something fun to look forward to in the Summer!

  2. I totally forgot Criminal Minds Evolution exists! I tried watching it when it came out (just the 1st ep), but I think it's got a slightly darker atmosphere than the OG and since I wasn't in the mood for that I left it for later...which never came 😅 I do miss the gang so I'll have to watch it one day 😂

    1. Oh yeah, it is MUCH darker. But I liked it! I did miss Reid though 😔 There are definitely some characters I wish would make a return.
