Friday, January 3, 2025

2024 Reading Challenges Update

I never complete ALL of the challenges I participate and honestly, that's fine with me. For me, the fun lies in setting up challenges and just the journey in general (she says as she fails challenges year after year 🤣) I didn't do TOO bad though. Lol.

2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Liliana has read 2 books toward her goal of 52 books.

The challenge: Read 52 books in 2024.

Progress: 95/52 (183%). I finished this one pretty early on in the year, as I knew I would. Lol. But I set a low number on purpose because I wanted it to be very low-pressure this year, and honestly, it was SO nice 😌

Challenge complete:

52 books in 52 weeks Reading Challenge

The challenge: Read 52 books in 52 weeks.

Progress: 52/52 (100%). I didn't miss a single week! Yay!

Challenge complete:

A to Z and Back Again

The challenge: Read a book with a character whose name starts with each letter of the alphabet (twice).

Progress: 51/52 (98%). I was SO close 😭 The only letter I was missing was X, but otherwise I had every single other letter.

Challenge complete: ❌

The challenge: To read one book that has a title starting with every letter of the alphabet.

Progress: 21/26 (81%). I was VERY close on this one! One year I will complete this challenge, but 2024 was not the year 😂

Challenge complete: ❌

The challenge: To read one book that has an author whose first name, middle, or last name starts with every letter of the alphabet.

Progress: 21/26 (81%). Different letters, but identical progress on this one! One year, one year...

Challenge complete: ❌

The challenge: Read 30 books from my TBR.

Progress: 47/30 (157%). Man, I did SO good on this one! I'm actually pleasantly surprised. Lol.

Challenge complete:

The challenge: Read 5 books about books.

Progress: 5/5 (100%). For a while there I didn't think I was going to complete this challenge, but I did! This one was fun!

Challenge complete:

The challenge: Read 36 books owned before January 1, 2024.

Progress: 20/36 (56%). Yikes 😬 I have been having a hard time with this challenge these last couple of years. I've been using my library a lot lately, which is great. But I've been totally ignoring the books I already own 😅

Challenge complete: ❌

The challenge: Read 10 Netgalley/Edelweiss books.

Progress: 6/10 (60%). Another one that I failed 😅 I do this challenge every year in hopes that I will read those ARCs I've had for a while, but my mood just does not cooperate 😭

Challenge complete: ❌

The challenge: Read a book fitting the prompt for every month of the year.

Progress: 12/12 (100%). This one was fun and one I finished earlier in the year than I expected!

Challenge complete:

The challenge: Read 9 series enders.

Progress: 10/9 (111%). This one makes me so happy because I am very bad at finishing series. Lol.

Challenge complete:

Reading Challenge Addict

The challenge: Enter and complete 6-10 reading challenges.

Progress: 6/6 (100%). I think this is a good challenge to measure my overall success, and since I challenged myself to complete 6-10 of the 11 challenges I participated in and actually manged to finish 6, I call that a win! I mean, just barely, but it still counts! 😆

Challenge complete:

The challenge: Write 41+ discussion posts

Progress: 58/41 (141%). Omg that's so many posts 😅 I do love a discussion post though. Lol.

Challenge complete:

I completed 8/13 (62%) total challenges, and honestly, I'll take it! I didn't finish every single one, but then I never do 😆 I had fun anyway though, and I think that's what counts. Lol.

Let me know how you did in your reading challenges in 2024!


  1. I agree with you the fun is in picking, setting up the challenges and the journey.
    Good Luck in 2025 with whatever challenges you pick.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. Lol. I don't think I've ever completed ALL of the challenges in any of the years I've been doing this. Lol. It's been fun nonetheless.

  2. omgosh just reading this list was daunting, I can't even imagine what it was like tracking all of these during the year 😂 Honestly, I admire your organization skills so much 😄

    It seems like the year was an absolute win because you had a blast! I hope your 2025 challenge year is at least half as fun as this one was

    1. I have gotten into the habit of updating right after I finish a book, so it's not so bad. Lol. And yeah, if I complete the Reading Challenge Addict one, then I call that a win, even if didn't finish ALL of the challenges. Lol.

  3. The alphabet challenges always seem so hard because of X and Z! lol. So I figure doing as good as you did is great. And some of your challenges you did so awesome on! The Beat the Backlist, and the discussions especially! Great job!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. Yes!! Those are definitely the hardest ones! I should try harder to fill those letters, but I just don't 😂 I'm more of a go with the flow reader lol.

  4. Great job with your challenges! I don't think I could have kept up with that many. :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah, it's a problem 😅 lol
