Thursday, July 19, 2018

Review: A Longtime (and at one point Illegal) Crush by Janette Rallison

A Longtime (and at one point Illegal) Crush
Title: A Longtime (and at one point Illegal) Crush

Author: Janette Rallison

Genre: YA, contemporary romance

Publication date: February 2013

Published by: Janette Rallison

Source: Own ebook

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From the day Elsie’s big brother brought his friend Kye McBride over to their house, Elsie adored him. When she was eight she secretly blew kisses to him. When she was twelve she sat on the stairs, unnoticed, and watched him escort another girl to prom. When she was a senior in high school, she walked into math class and found out he was her new math teacher.

With that much emotion fueling her, things were bound to go wrong. And they did. Elsie not only spent the last two weeks of school avoiding him, she turned avoiding-Kye-at-all-costs into her life-long philosophy.

Now three years have passed and Elsie has come home for her brother’s wedding. She’s got to face Kye-–hopefully without getting crushed again.

My rating: ★★★★★

A Longtime (and at one point Illegal) Crush was a short, sweet read. Plus, it was super cute and funny, too! I adored it!

The story alternates between the present and the past. So in the present day we have Elsie going back home for her brother’s wedding. Then we have flashbacks to Elsie’s life as she grows up and interacts with Kye, her brothers best friend. It starts off when she was a kid and first met Kye, when she first started crushing on him. Then we get to her adolescence when he becomes her high school teacher, and the crush has not let up. And finally we get to present day where Elsie is all grown up and totally over Kye...


(She's totally not. Lol) I absolutely loved seeing Kye and Elsie’s interactions and Elsie just crushing so hard on the guy. It made for many awkward, hilarious situations and I loved every minute of it! Plus there were some very sweet moments that were definitely swoon-worthy! And Kye was just super charming and sweet! And I found Elsie to be very relatable. I just really liked the characters!

So I say I don't like contemporaries, but I think Janette Rallison is changing my mind. Lol. She is one of my favorite authors, and her contemporaries are pretty much the only ones I ever read! She just writes the sweetest romances ever and I just love it!

Anyway, I pretty much loved everything about this short story. It was a very fast read, it was super cute, and very funny. Plus, it really does work as a short story! I loved it!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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