Monday, August 26, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #382: Omg The Progress!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

What I read:

The readathon this past week went a lot better than I expected. I ended up finishing three books! This Book Kills was an okay mystery thriller. I liked the premise and the mystery itself, but that ending felt like it dragged on forever. Dark Quasar Ignites was a lot of fun! I love the Space Janitor world, and I love Vanti so I really enjoyed this one! The story was good and the characters and their banter were a lot of fun! And Percy Jackson's Greek Gods was also a lot of fun. I love Percy's sassiness. Lol. I had a blast reading this! I had it on my tbr for a long time so I was glad to finally get to it.

Currently reading:

Omg this Currently Reading shelf is making me feel so much better 😌 I'm actually just over halfway done with this one and I am hoping to finish it within the next day or two! And I am obviously really enjoying it 😆

Up next:

Idk... I think I'm just gonna wait to decide until I finish Only Cold Depths. I do still have those two ARCs I mentioned last week so I'll probably go with one of those.

What are you reading this week?


  1. Congrats on reading three books! That's amazing! Especially reading This Book Kills, I know that one has been *killing* your reading mood this past month 😂

    now that I'm reading this post, I realized I forgot to post my readathon update ...sometimes I wonder if my brain only has like 10mb of memory and that is used only for cute cat videos....

    Mooving on, I'm currently reading Instant Karma! I have to finish it before my autumn mood kicks in because I'll be reading only mysteries and fantasy novels

    1. Thank you! I am pretty proud of myself lol. Hahaha omg that is so funny! I was definitely wondering about your update. Lol. And I hope you enjoy Instant Karma! I loved that book! It was so cute!
