Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday Post #423: Cute Plays and Intimidating Owls

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

I'm writing this post really early in the week, on Thursday night, because I'm going away for the weekend! I'll show you all the fun things in next week's post!

So far this week has been fine. The kids at school put on a play and they were SO good! I mean, they weren't good, they're 5th graders 😆 But they were super into it, and watching them just made me so happy. They did the play for a 2nd grade class on Thursday, and they'll be doing it again Friday for another class and for parents who show up. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing it again! The play was very cute too! They made their own costumes and everything!

This week I read a book heavily inspired by Japanese mythology (Find Him Where You Left Him Dead) and I really enjoyed it! Reading that book inspired me to get back into learning Japanese again because I have been seriously slacking in the last year or so. Lol. I've been learning Japanese on and off for the last 5 years or so? It's a difficult language to learn, but it's something I've really enjoyed doing. My grasp of the language isn't great, even though I have been learning it for a very long time, but I'm self-taught and this is a just-for-fun thing for me. Lol. (Although when I watch subbed anime I do understand a word here and a phrase there and that always makes me very excited 😆). Anyway, I got back into using some of my apps to learn the language this week. On WaniKani I did a couple reviews for learning kanji.

As you can see my reviews are at 674 and it is so overwhelming 🫠 I'll get that number down... eventually. Lol. And I also got back into Duolingo... I'm looking forward to being bullied by the owl 😌 IYKYK 😂


One thing that surprised me was how much I actually remembered when doing these lessons! I hadn't used Duolingo for a year and on my first lesson back, my accuracy was 97%! That's not bad! Anyway, we'll see how long this streak will last... I'm only on day 4 at the time of writing this 😂

What I've been playing:

I played week 3 of the Reaper's Rewards event on the Sims 4, and this week felt easier than the last. Lol. But I'm still enjoying it! Here is my Sim reading a book that was one of the rewards. This increases Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and Gardening skills all at once! (Because you need those skills to make ambrosia to bring Sims back from the dead).

And check out the black mist wafting from the book 👀 Spooky.

On the Blog

Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#388: More Horror, More Greek Mythology, More Spies
#35: Finishing Some Spooky Series

Ongoing giveaway:

Book Haul


This week I got a couple of nonfiction books! I'm so excited to read all of these!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. That Cursed Objects book looks good! I do love watching plays with younger kids when they really get into it! Or even with the little bitty kids too, lol. Occasionally I think I want to learn Korean so I can sing along with all the words in the K-Pop songs. But then I don't and just mumble along. lol. Have a good week!

  2. omgosh getting bullied by the owl 😂😂 that is such an accurate description. I still have traumas from the last time I tried using it and broke my streak 😂 Good luck though! Japanes seems so difficult to learn but the most important thing is that you're having fun!
