Sunday, October 20, 2024

Sunday Post #424: I Went to Halloweentown, Scarywood, and the Largest Indie Bookstore in the World!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

What I've been doing:

Warning: This is going to be a looong post 😆

This last week has been BUSY. Last weekend I went to Halloweentown...

As in where they filmed the movie!!


Growing up, I loved this movie and I have been wanting to go to the place they filmed it ever since I found out that they have an event every Halloween and decorate the town to look like it did in the movie! This is in St. Helens, Oregon...


And it was just SO cool to see where they filmed everything!


They had a lot of different events, including taking a picture with the iconic Halloweentown pumpkin. We actually got there pretty early, about an hour before it officially started, and we were able to visit most of the attractions (minus one we couldn't find, but it's fine. Lol.)


And one thing that surprised me was that some of Twilight was also filmed here??? That was SO cool! apparently they filmed a parking lot scene, and the scene were Bella goes shopping in Port Angeles. That was cool. I actually went into one of those little shops and bought some Halloweentown t-shirts. lol. (And then my cousin gave me a spooky pajama set and a Hocus Pocus t-shirt too. Lol.)


St. Helens is about 45-ish minutes from Portland (we spent the night in Vancouver, WA  though), so the next day we just went shopping in both Portland and Vancouver before we headed home. We went to a bookstore in Portland called Powell's and it is the LARGEST indie used and new bookstore IN THE WORLD!!


I was SO excited to visit it! And it did not disappoint! It is a three-story building filled to the brim with books 😍 We spent two hours there, but honestly, we could've spent more time if our drive back home wasn't 3.5 hours long 😆 I did end up getting some books there, but I also got a cute tote bag and a bookish puzzle! After that, we got some donuts from Voodoo Doughnut and they were VERY good!


So that was that trip. It was such a fun weekend! Then I came home and worked Monday-Wednesday and omg I was exhausted 😪 Idk why but the kids were just exhausting this week. Lol. Luckily I only worked three days. Then I went on another trip on Thursday! We had lunch in town before we left, and look at how pretty the trees looked 😍

After that, I drove us 3 hours down to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho to go to Scarywood!


Scarywood is just the Silverwood Theme Park transformed for Halloween with all sorts of spooky things around every corner. Halloweentown is very family-friendly, Scarywood... not as much. Lol. There are horror actors jump scaring you every chance they get, there are haunted house attractions, and it is just a horror-lovers paradise 😍 The last time I went here I discovered that while I may love horror, I apparently scare very easily 😂 However, I was very surprised this time because I wasn't jump scared almost at all! It was shocking. Lol.


I didn't take a lot of pictures or videos, so this will really not do it justice, but it was a lot of fun! I have been to Scarywood once before in 2018, but before that, I used to go to just the regular Silverwood Theme Park like every single summer!! I just love it! I really need to go back during the summer to go on the rides and rollercoasters, because you just don't have enough time during Scarywood. It's only open for about 4-5 hours at night, and that gave us just enough time to see all the haunted house attractions, which is what we were there for. Because I have been to this park so much and have already ridden most of the rides, I didn't really mind not riding them this time. Lol. But I definitely to want to come back this next summer because I saw some new rides that weren't there the last time I came. Anyway, back to Scarywood! Lol.

That is the entrance to the park. It is very spooky and filled with that fake smoke. It really set the scene. This following video is from their new horror attraction...

And this video is from their clown haunted house attraction...

That one was my favorite! It was so much fun! It was also my favorite one the last time I went to Scarywood, but the new Swine one was also amazing! It was basically like a haunted maze! I loved it! I had so much fun! I also went into this knowing I was going to buy a hoodie... except I ended up buying TWO 🙈😂 I regret nothing 😆 Especially because that tie-dye one glows in the dark too! 🤩 Also, I live in hoodies year-round, so that's how I justify my purchases 😆😂

Anyway, because Scarywood ended so late, we spent the night in Idaho. The next day before we went home we visited a couple more bookstores 😆 At a Barnes & Noble in Spokane I found THIS ⬇️ and I cannot tell you how excited I was!!

I'm excited to use it, but also nervous because there's a good chance I could ruin a book 😅 But I love a book with sprayed edges, so I'm very excited to give this a try regardless! (Also, it was on sale!!)

Then I drove us the 3 hours back home, and let me tell you, I was exhausted. We actually stopped by my favorite coffee place because they had a spooky special... Look at how cute that is! This was just the cherry on top of our already great trip 😌 I drank my watermelon Red Bull drink and then I took a nap immediately after because caffeine has ZERO effect on me and I was exhausted 😆

If you guys are ever on the West Coast in the US, I definitely recommend both of these places to visit during Spooky Season! And Silverwood is just a fun time in general during the warmer weather because they also have a waterpark!

What I've been watching:

While we were on these trip, we rewatched a couple of things in our hotel rooms: Halloweentown (obviously lol), Don't Look Under the Bed, A Nightmare of Elm Street, one of the Evil Dead movies, Charmed, and, of course, Supernatural 😆

What I've been listening to:

"Wrong is about feeling like you're headed down the wrong direction, and there really is no way to tell if you are. it sometims feels like you're ALWAYS at square one. But no matter what happens, that is the direction you chose, so stress less, and live more." -Unlike Pluto

What I've been playing:

I played some Sims 4 but did not take any screenshots this week... it's been busy around here. Lol. I only played on Tuesday for the new Reaper Rewards, and then this weekend I'm working on a build.

On the Blog

Books reviewed this week:


Other posts from this week:

#389: Find Him Where You Left Him Dead

Book Haul


When we were in Vancouver we went to a mall and I was surprised to see that it had a Little Free Library, and I found this book there! I was SO excited! And it is pristine!


And these three books I got at Powell's in Portland. These are all books I had on my TBR, and I wasn't going to buy Wild is the Witch originally, but then I saw that it was signed so I HAD to get it 😆

And at the Barnes & Noble in Spokane, I got the Percy Jackson cookbook! Omg I am SO excited for this book! And it is such a pretty edition! The cover is this sort of cloth material and it's embossed... it's SO nice!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very jealous of going to where Twilight was partly filmed! Very cool! It sounds like such a great week! I would love to do all those things you did. But I would be exhausted like you afterwards. Hope you are able to get some rest this week and also still have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature
