Saturday, August 5, 2023

Finish the Series #26: Finally!

I have officially (technically) completed my Series Enders reading challenge! My goal was to finish 5-10 series this year, and I have officially finished 5! Yay!

What I finished:

The release of this book has been pushed back quite a bit, but it finally came out last month and I was SO excited! Overall, I liked it. I was excited to see where this war between Lena and technology was going to end. And it's only a trilogy so I am done with this series!

Up next:

I still want to finish this series. They're graphic novels so it shouldn't take me too long. But I've gotten side tracked and sucked into a horror/thriller loop with my books lately, so we'll see if I'll be able to take a detour to finish these. Lol.

Series finished so far in 2023: 5/5

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊

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