Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sizzlin' Summer Book Tag

A new summer-y book tag created by Jesse the Reader! I saw his video and I thought it'd be a fun book tag to do! I tried to use mostly books I've read this year, but there were some questions that didn't really apply to any books I've read in 2023, so I just picked some I've read in previous years.

A book that you feel brings on the ultimate summertime vibes

So, I don't read a lot of books you would consider to be summer books/beach reads, so this tag was harder than I anticipated 😅 But I read this one a couple of years ago and it totally fits this question! It takes place in the summer and in a beach town! It's perfect! And it was so freaking cute! I loved it!

A book that you felt protected you from a reading slump

In February I only read 3 books. And they were all Elemental Assassin re-reads. Lol. I was in a weird mood then where I didn't know what I wanted to read, so I just went back to my re-read. Lol.

A book that burned you

The premise was intriguing, but I ended up DNFing the hell out of this one.

A book that made a splash in your life & had you diving in deep & making it your entire personality

I literally did make this series my entire personality when I first started reading it a couple years ago 😂 I could not shut up about it. And I ended up binge reading it AND the sequel series because I couldn't get enough. Lol. It's just so much fun!

A book with an explosive plot that kept you hooked on the book

This book was long but it was so action-packed and tense that I was engaged all the way to the end.

A refreshing read that reminded you why you love reading

This series... I love the mix of sci-fi and fantasy elements in this! It's so good! That plus the enemies-to-lovers and slow burn romance... Yes, please!

A short and sweet book that melted away far too quickly

This is a collection of 3 romantic suspense short stories and it was so good! It was cute and fun and I always love Janette Rallison's books with romance.

A book that lit up your life through a dark time

I was not at a good point in my life when I read this one, but I love this series so it was definitely a bright spot in the darkness.

Show us the prettiest most summeresque book cover

I don't really own any books like this 😅 Creepy horror, sure. But pretty and summer-y? Umm, no. Lol. But this one is on my TBR and is pretty summeresque. Lol.

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you'd like! I'd love to see your answers! 😁


  1. Ooh fun! This looks like a fun post! Maybe a bit challenging for me since I feel like my reading has been way slower this year. LOL! But I might give it a try this weekend! Great picks! All new to me ones too. :)
