Thursday, September 26, 2024

Finish the Series #34: We're Back!

I last finished a series back in July, right in the middle of the weird reading slump I was in, but I am finally out of it and back to reading! I've read SO much this month so far, I'm honestly shocked. Lol.

What I finished:

I think this counts as a series finished, right? I don't know for sure, but I think this is only going to be a duology. I HOPE it's only going to be a duology because Lynn Painter cannot hurt WesLiz like that again 😭 Idk if my heart could take it 😭😂 Anyway, this was a super cute YA contemporary romance! I loved it!

I started this series back in 2022, I read the first two books then, and this Summer I read the last three books and finished the series! It was a really fun middle grade mystery with a little spookiness sprinkled throughout!

Up next:

And right now I'm right in the middle of this one, which is the last book in a series. I'm hoping to finish it this week actually! But we'll see. Lol.

Series finished so far this year: 8/9

Let me know if you've read any of these series or if there is a series you are working on finishing right now 😊

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