Monday, September 16, 2024

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #385: A Little More of Everything

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Date and Unleashing Reads.

What I read:

It's been a couple months since I last read a nonfiction book, and I suddenly had the urge to read one, so I picked up The Sawbones Book in hopes that it would be in the vein of Quackery, which I loved, and it was! It was very fun and informative! It was so easy to read that I finished it in just over a day!

And then I went back to the Sinister Summer MG mystery series from Kiersten White and I enjoyed it! It was fun and a little creepy and the mystery is very intriguing!

I also read my first adult romance from Lynn Painter and I also enjoyed it! It's just as cute as her YA romances! I didn't love the third-act conflict, but that's not a Lynn Painter fault, it's more a romance book fault. I just find them to be so dumb sometimes. But overall, I really liked this and I'm looking forward to reading more from this author, obviously. Lol.

And last, I finished another Spy x Family volume! It was cute and it was fun and I already have volume 4 ready to go! Lol.

Currently reading:

Yesterday I read the chapter on Psyche in the Percy Jackson book and OMG I LOVED it!! It was SO good! Idk why I was so invested in it, but I was. Lol. Am I gonna go down a Psyche/Eros rabbit hole? I might 👀 Lol. Also, Psyche is my new favorite Greek hero! Forget all those men, this girl went through her multiple quests while being SUPER pregnant! I loved her! And she seemed like a genuinely good person... at least in Percy's iteration of the story. Lol. I'm writing this right after I finished the story and I think it gave me another book hangover, and it was only like a 40-page story 😭 Omg you know what I need? And I know there are many Eros/Psyche books out there, but I need Madeline Miller to write a Psyche/Eros book! If The Song of Achilles is anything to go by, it would hurt me right in my heart, but it would be amazing anyway! 😆

I also (finally!) started Tales From the Gas Station Vol. 4, and I am loving it already! It is SO funny! I'm about 30% into it and I've already laughed out loud so many times! It's just so fun! I love these characters and the weird situations they find themselves in! Also, I'm actually reading this on Kindle AND listening to it on audio because I love the narrator!

Up next:

Like I said, I have vol. 4 of Spy x Family ready to go! I'll probably read it today (it's also due at the library soon and I can't renew it because it's on hold for someone else, and as I've mentioned many times before, this series is pretty popular at my library. Lol.)

And I also think I'm going to read this horror novella from Mira Grant. I put the third book of the Parasite series (by this same author) on hold at the library, but it might take a minute before I get my hands on it.

What are you reading this week?

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