Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Post #419: I Don't Know What Happened With This Week...

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Review: Nothing Better Than You (Better than the Movies #1.6) by Lynn Painter

Title: Nothing Better Than You

Series: Better than the Movies #1.6

Previous book in this series: Better than the Movies

Author: Lynn Painter

Genre: YA, contemporary romance

Publication date: August 30th 2024

Published by: Simon Teen

Source: Read online

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Synopsis: Experience Wes and Liz’s first kiss from Better Than the Movies from Wes’s point of view!

My rating: ★★★★★

The way I am so infatuated with how infatuated Wes is with Liz...

God, I’m such an idiot for her.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Review: How to Survive Your Murder by Danielle Valentine

Title: How to Survive Your Murder

Author: Danielle Valentine

Genre: YA, mystery thriller

Publication date: August 2022

Published by: Razorbill

Source: Borrowed from library

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Synopsis: Alice Lawrence is the sole witness in her sister’s murder trial.

And in the year since Claire’s death, Alice’s life has completely fallen apart. Her parents have gotten divorced, she’s moved into an apartment that smells like bologna, and she is being forced to face her sister’s killer and a courtroom full of people who doubt what she saw in the corn maze a year prior.

Claire was an all-American girl, beautiful and bubbly, and a theater star. Alice was a nerd who dreamed of becoming a forensic pathologist and would rather stay at home to watch her favorite horror movies than party. Despite their differences, they were bonded by sisterhood and were each other’s best friends.

Until Claire was taken away from her.

On the first day of the murder trial, as Alice prepares to give her testimony, she is knocked out by a Sidney Prescott look-alike in the courthouse bathroom. When she wakes up, it is Halloween night a year earlier, the same day Claire was murdered. Alice has until midnight to save her sister and find the real killer before he claims another victim.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

If you don't come with me, I might die.
Those were the last words my sister ever said to me.

I have not had very good luck with these sorts of horror books where the protagonist is a huge horror movie fan. They always claim to be experts in the genre and then fail spectacularly at being a final girl when being put in that position. Maybe it’s because they’re in the middle of all the chaos, but it’s just so annoying how dumb they are. And the protagonist in this was no different.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Review: Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister

Title: Wrong Place Wrong Time

Author: Gillian McAllister

Genre: Adult, mystery

Publication date: May 2022

Published by: William Morrow

Source: Borrowed from library

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Synopsis: Can you stop a murder after it’s already happened?

It is midnight on the morning of Halloween, and Jen anxiously waits up for her 18-year-old son, Todd, to return home. But worries about his broken curfew transform into something much more dangerous when Todd finally emerges from the darkness. As Jen watches through the window, she sees her funny, seemingly happy teenage son stab a total stranger.

She doesn’t know who the victim is, or why Todd has committed such a devastating act of violence. All she knows is that her life, and Todd’s, have been shattered.

After her son is taken into custody, Jen falls asleep in despair. But when she wakes up… it is yesterday. The murder has not happened yet—and there may be a chance to stop it. Each morning, when Jen wakes, she is further back in the past, first weeks, then years, before the murder. And Jen realizes that somewhere in the past lies the trigger for Todd’s terrible crime... and it is her mission to find it, and prevent it from taking place.

My rating: ★★★★★

Wrong Place Wrong Time was SO GOOD! It's a mystery thriller where a mother witnesses her son commit a murder and then she's suddenly thrust into a time loop all while trying to solve this mystery. BUT instead of your normal time loop where the character lives the same day over and over, she keeps going back in time! It was just so well done!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Review: This World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa

Title: This World Is Not Yours

Author: Kemi Ashing-Giwa

Genre: Adult, sci-fi, horror

Publication date: September 10th 2024

Published by: Tor Nightfire

Source: eARC from publisher via Netgalley

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Synopsis: This World is Not Yours by USA Today bestseller Kemi Ashing-Giwa is the perfect blend of S.A. Barnes' space horror and Cassandra Khaw's beautiful but macabre worlds. An action-packed, inventive novella about a toxic polycule consumed by jealousy and their attempts to survive on a hostile planet.

After fleeing her controlling and murderous family with her fiancée Vinh, Amara embarks on a colonization project, New Belaforme, along with her childhood friend, Jesse.

The planet, beautiful and lethal, produces the Gray, a “self-cleaning” mechanism that New Belaforme’s scientists are certain only attacks invasive organisms, consuming them. Humans have been careful to do nothing to call attention to themselves until a rival colony wakes the Gray.

As Amara, Vinh, and Jesse work to carve out a new life together, each is haunted by past betrayals that surface, expounded by the need to survive the rival colony and the planet itself.

There’s more than one way to be eaten alive.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

This world is as brutal and unforgiving as it is beautiful.

In my neverending quest to find some good sci-fi horror, I came across this one. And I was so excited I stumbled upon it because right in the synopsis it compared it to the space horror novels by S.A. Barnes, novels that I have really enjoyed. However, I didn’t end up loving this novella as much as I thought I would.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Post #418: Preparing For Spooky Season

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

Friday, September 6, 2024

September 2024 Holiday Kickoff Giveaway Hop!

I'm still on a mission to get rid of some books to make space for, you guessed it, more books 😆 This month I have a really fun YA urban fantasy series about a literal Nightmare. Lol.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Review: Crazy Foolish Robots (The Robot Galaxy #1) by Adeena Mignogna

Title: Crazy Foolish Robots

Series: The Robot Galaxy #1

Author: Adeena Mignogna

Genre: Adult, sci-fi

Publication date: June 2021

Published by: Adeena Mignogna

Source: Gift card purchase

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Synopsis: What would you do if you were kidnapped by alien robots?

Ruby Palmer finds herself on an entire planet surrounded by the things she hates the most: robots. Besides taking everything she says way too literally, the robots have problems of their own. A myriad of technical glitches are, on the cosmological scale, quickly destroying them. Ruby has the programming knowledge and skills that matter to them, but can she overcome her fears and find it within herself to help? Her survival, along with the survival of all of humanity and robot kind, depends on it.

If you adore all the charming and delightful robots in sci-fi from R2D2 to Wall-E to Bender to Marvin to Johnny 5, you'll love The Robot Galaxy Series!

My rating: ★★★☆☆

In my neverending quest to find fun, cozy, sci-fi books, I came across this one! The premise sounded very interesting: Ruby finds herself on a planet full of robots, which kinda sucks for her because she hates robots. But these robots are in need of help and Ruby is the only one able to give that help. It was very interesting following Ruby on this journey because of her dislike (and distrust) of robots. But she had a good reason to not trust anything robot/AI-related.

One thing I liked about this book was the titular robots. They were just so endearing! They took everything literally—even their names were literal! 😂

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Review: Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty

Title: Six Wakes

Author: Mur Lafferty

Genre: Adult, mystery, sci-fi

Publication date: January 2017

Published by: Orbit

Source: Borrowed from library

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Synopsis: A space adventure set on a lone ship where the clones of a murdered crew must find their murderer—before they kill again.

It was not common to awaken in a cloning vat streaked with drying blood.

At least, Maria Arena had never experienced it. She had no memory of how she died. That was also new; before, when she had awakened as a new clone, her first memory was of how she died.

Maria's vat was in the front of six vats, each one holding the clone of a crew member of the starship Dormire, each clone waiting for its previous incarnation to die so it could awaken. And Maria wasn't the only one to die recently...

My rating: ★★★★★

I was so excited to read about a murder mystery in space, and this book absolutely delivered!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Spooky Season TBR

It is my favorite time of year, Spooky Season, and honestly, I'm just very happy right now 😌 (I'm aware it's still technically Summer... don't rain on my parade 😆)

I haven't done a TBR post ALL year because I've just sort of been going with whatever my mood wants, but I thought I'd do one in honor of spooky season and see how things go. Last year when I did a Spooky Season TBR, things went terribly, so hopefully I have better luck this time. (I actually have some books from last year's list on this list again, sooo... 😅) This list mostly consists of horror books because that's just sort of what I'm in the mood for. No mystery thrillers this year, I want straight horror! Lol.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Post #417: It's Finally Here!

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!