Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday Post #422: Uneventful, Just How I Like It

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Literary Nails: Spellcaster Wild Card by Nikki Jefford

Omg look at me with another nail art post this year 😏 I do my nails A LOT, like, every week. I just don't do a lot of bookish nail art. But I did some this past week for a book I was highly anticipating and I love how they turned out! And the book itself (I actually just started it this week! I'm only like 100 pages in or so, but I'm liking it!) is very magical with a lot of supernatural beings, so it is perfect for this time of year!

Friday, October 4, 2024

October 2024 Howl-o-ween Giveaway Hop

I have the perfect book to giveaway this month! It's not horror, it's a YA fantasy that sounds very witchy and magical!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Book Recommendations for Spooky Season

I was unsure whether I was going to do this post this year because I just didn't feel like I've read enough 'spooky' books, but I think I have enough to put something together. These are all books I've read in the last year or so (you can see more spooky book recommendations here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.) Shockingly though, no mystery thrillers this time! I mean, I have read mystery thrillers in the last year, but not any I was wowed by. I have lots of horror though! And some toward the end that are not scary, but the vibes fit for this time of year. Lol.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Spellcaster Wild Card Blitz + Giveaway

Omg it has been SOOO long since I've participated in a Blitz, so let's see if I remember how 😅 But I wanted to participate in this one because it's a book by Nikki Jefford, an author I love! Unfortunately, I am terribly behind on reading her books, but I am officially on a quest to catch up on everything I missed... starting with Spellcaster Wild Card!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up: September 2024

I don't know how this happened, especially with the borderline reading slump I was in for most of the summer, but I read SO much this month. I read a total of 17 books in September (not all of them were full-length novels though), which comes to around 4185 pages read 😯 Previously, May had been my most read month with about 3100 pages... this month I read 1000 pages (aka 10 books) more than that!
  • 9 were full-length novels (!), 5 short stories/novellas, and 3 were manga
  • 12 were part of a series, and 5 were a standalones
  • I started 2 series but finished 2 as well!
  • 16 were finished copies and 1 ARC
  • 11 were physical books, 5 ebooks, and 1 was an audio/ebook combo
  • 7 were 5-star books, 9 were 4-star books, and 1 was a 3-star book
  • 2 were indie-published, and 15 were traditionally published
  • 3 were by a new-to-me author and 14 were by authors I've previously read
  • 8 were adult books, 5 YA, and 4 middle grade books
  • 16 were fiction books and 1 nonfiction
  • 5 were sci-fi horror, 3 contemporary romance, 1 urban fantasy, 1 medical science, 2 action adventure, 1 historical fantasy, 3 adventure mystery, 1 horror comedy