Title: Luna City Limited: The Phoenix and Katie Li
Series: Tales of a Former Space Janitor
Author: Julia Huni
Genre: Adult, sci-fi, mystery
Publication date: April 2022
Published by: IPH Media
Source: Backed on Kickstarter - Ebook reward
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Synopsis: An ordinary young woman adds some spies to her life.
Katie Li sells silly novelties at Luna City, LTD, and the highlight of her day is upselling a case of zero gravity whoopie cushions.
When secret agent Nick "The Phoenix" Beckett drops into her life, normal goes out the airlock. She's whisked into a whirl of high society events, mob influence, and corporate secrets.
Katie's always dreamed of adventure, and the Phoenix seems to offer that in spades. But between his life-threatening enemies and his breathtaking charm, Katie soon finds herself in over her head.
My rating: ★★★★☆
Luna City Limited takes place in the Space Janitor world, but it follows different characters, so it’s this sort of spin-off book. The two main characters in this book, Katie and Nick, actually make an appearance in Waxing the Moon of Lewei, which is the 3rd book in the Tales of a Former Space Janitor series. And I would actually recommend you read this one before that one because I feel like you would appreciate these characters more in Waxing the Moon of Lewei.